There appears to be some extremely advance reviews for a project that I've contributed to floating around the internet. The project in question is the THE INSIDERS, published by 360ep. I say extremely advance reviews, because the books aren't 100% finished yet, so the reviews are based on a work in progress. 360ep is the new kid on the block in comics publishing, though the company is comprised of some industy vets, namely Bill Jemas, who as far as I know used to run things down at Marvel comics.
THE INSIDERS is a concept Jemas had come up with, and I was enlisted to provide storytelling/page layouts, and generally help develop the concept. It's been an interesting and enlightening experience for me, thus far, mainly because I've never been part of the creative process in this way before. Sure, I've been part of art teams in the past, and I used to colour comics for a living, but in all those jobs, I've just been another cog in the system, a stop on the conveyor belt that is comics production. But with THE INSIDERS, I was actually involved in the creation process, helping turn a concept into a comic. And working with other creators was good, because it forces you to check your ego at the door, and be open to other schools of thought and opinions. For the most part in my (ahem) comics career, I've been a lone wolf.
Anyway, I'm not sure how much I should, or want to reveal about the series right now but I'll hype it up when we get closer to the launch. And I definitely want to clarify that both these reviews cite me as the artist or penciller. To be clear, I DID NOT DO THE ART FOR THIS BOOK. I did the storytelling/page layouts. Miguel Montenegro, a cool artist that 360 hired did the pencils and I believe inks. He needs to get his props where they are due!
here are the links to the reviews:
review 1
review 2
THE INSIDERS is a concept Jemas had come up with, and I was enlisted to provide storytelling/page layouts, and generally help develop the concept. It's been an interesting and enlightening experience for me, thus far, mainly because I've never been part of the creative process in this way before. Sure, I've been part of art teams in the past, and I used to colour comics for a living, but in all those jobs, I've just been another cog in the system, a stop on the conveyor belt that is comics production. But with THE INSIDERS, I was actually involved in the creation process, helping turn a concept into a comic. And working with other creators was good, because it forces you to check your ego at the door, and be open to other schools of thought and opinions. For the most part in my (ahem) comics career, I've been a lone wolf.
Anyway, I'm not sure how much I should, or want to reveal about the series right now but I'll hype it up when we get closer to the launch. And I definitely want to clarify that both these reviews cite me as the artist or penciller. To be clear, I DID NOT DO THE ART FOR THIS BOOK. I did the storytelling/page layouts. Miguel Montenegro, a cool artist that 360 hired did the pencils and I believe inks. He needs to get his props where they are due!
here are the links to the reviews:
review 1
review 2
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