Friday, February 10, 2006


Sorry for the lack up posts this week. Been sorta preoccupied with nonsense, working and thinking. I suppose that's the usual.

Since the dawn of the new year, I've been slowly moving towards making the decision to stop working freelance. Or cut my freelancing time down to a minimum. Essentially and symbolically quitting my "day job". I had this epiphany a while ago, when I discovered that I've been pushing too many of my own projects aside, placing almost all of my main work related (read-creative) goals aside, in order to get further in my freelance career. In order to pay bills. Long story short, I discovered those bills were going nowhere, no matter how much money I could rake in on the freelance tip. So the ensuing months since this realization, I've been bit by bit shedding my freelance duties. I'm at the point now where I feel like I'll be free form the shackles of my creative oppressors. Nothing, of course is free. Freedom isn't, to say the least. I have some money saved up, and my aforementioned bills remain, so the situation is far from me having the ability to pack up and move to some Italian villa to write and draw my own shit every day. But, I'm going to take that chance, and, let's say go on hiatus from freelance. I'm going to use the next little while to solely work on my own projects, and I'll see where this takes me.

Maybe I'm just getting old, and I'm feeling the heat. Hearing the biological clock that artists dread. The sense that I've wasted a lot of time on meaningless tasks, as opposed to creating my art. The good work, the reason why I foolishly believe I was put on this mortal coil. We'll see what happens...


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz