Again, I'm going through that self deprecating phase of my art process. In the past, since I was totally reliant on producing the art to make money, I let a lot of pages go to the printer, in a state that I knew wasn't fully complete. Yet, now that I'm creating the comic purely for myself, and the waiting, the fans, I want things to be perfect.
But I need to let go, or else I'll be tinkering forever! So I'm taking baby steps. Here's a raw image of Raevyn from the new KC comic that I will begin uploading in the next day or so. (best case scenario: a page a day. Worst case, a page every 2-3 days.) This pic is the straight pencils, with not CG effects. I did a loose sketch, which I liked, but when I "tightened" up the line art, I feel something was lost. Well, the little voice inside my head told me something was lost...

Just like love. Let it go, and if it comes back, then it's true love, or something to that effect.
Also, I posted a new shirt in the store. Well, it's actually an old shirt I was selling last summer at conventions, but never got around to adding it to the online store. Check it out, and order yours today!

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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz
But I need to let go, or else I'll be tinkering forever! So I'm taking baby steps. Here's a raw image of Raevyn from the new KC comic that I will begin uploading in the next day or so. (best case scenario: a page a day. Worst case, a page every 2-3 days.) This pic is the straight pencils, with not CG effects. I did a loose sketch, which I liked, but when I "tightened" up the line art, I feel something was lost. Well, the little voice inside my head told me something was lost...

Just like love. Let it go, and if it comes back, then it's true love, or something to that effect.
Also, I posted a new shirt in the store. Well, it's actually an old shirt I was selling last summer at conventions, but never got around to adding it to the online store. Check it out, and order yours today!

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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz
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