Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

"Sometimes, life never goes the way it's planned."

Yes, I'm quoting myself. One of my characters, to be precise. Lame, but at this point in time, truer words have never been spoken.

My trip to NYC for the Museum of Cartoon and Comic Art's Festival was great. Saw old friends, met new ones, enjoyed the city... all good.

I had planned to start previewing a brand new Kissing Chaos story on this blog sometime this week. It's called 'Til I Die, and will be a regular instalment of the online comic anothology Transmission-X.com. We sort of had a soft launch last week, with a few comics online. We are justing the site, making sure we work out the kinks before a big launch later this summer.That preview, and the launch of this new story will be delayed.

But all is not lost, this doesn't mean new KC comics aren't hitting the internet very soon!

I've been slowly working on a book I planned to self published called Kissing Chaos: Overture. You may have noticed that a musician/DJ friend of mine, THE LOGICAL had created a soundtrack inspired by the comic. (I mentioned this in a previous post). Well, it has recently come to my attention that due to various circumstances, none of which I can go into an detail, I can't self publish this book anytime soon. I don't want all of THE LOGICAL's hard creative work to go to waste, or even have to delay the release of the CD (which was to coincide with the release of the Overture book) any more than it has, so I've decided to postpone the 'Til I Die story, and release Overtures in it's place.

So, there you have it. New Kissing Chaos comics are still coming online very shortly. First Overtures, and as soon as that's complete, 'Til I Die. And of course, listen to the Overture soundtrack whilst you enjoy the comic for free online!!

Okay. That's all for now. I must draw.