Je t'aime aujourd'hui, plus qu'hier, mais bien moins que demain.
Originally published at You can comment there.
A new KC: TIL I DIE is up! Check it! It ends the ZEROS and ONES chapter of the online comic. While some folks maybe scratching their heads, most KC verterans will know this type of storytelling is just par for the course. The various scenes that make up KISSING CHAOS don't build so much as a linear narrative, but are pieces to a puzzle. And I'm totally serious when I say it will all make sense in the end.
Zeroes and Ones was interesting (to me!) for a number of reasons. Yes, it is a pivotal moment in the KC story, but it was also a huge experiment in terms of art/writing for myself. In an effort just to keep myself interesting in the medium, I really want to push myself, and the comics themselves into new territory. So, my plan for this online comic is to play with all the basic. formal components of a "comic". Comics are built from a combination of panels, line art and type. I'm sure there are variations and it gets more complicated, but the very basic elements of a comic are the 3 aforementioned things. So I want to, umm, "mess" around with these components, and see what happens. Worst case scenario, I create something that's a mess. Best case, I create a different experience, and push comics beyond what they've become. Who knows.
So far, with my comics on TX, I've reduced the line art, and have put the focus totally on type. You tell me if that did anything for you. In this week's strip, PArt 2.6 of TIL I DIE, I blurred the line between word balloon and though caption. In the fourth panel, the character's dialogue and thoughts were presented as equal. I was aiming to create confusion, by colouring the girl's dialogue with her thoughts. I wanted to create confusion in the reader, so they can viscerally experience the confusion that the male character felt upon hearing the words. I could've just played with the font, or even the type, making it impossible to read, but I thought this would be more interesting.
Was it a success? Am I just talking out of my ass? Yes? No? I dunno. I'm just sick of comics they way they are, and want to play around... hopefully people will stick around for the ride.
I'm also thinking of taking a bit of a break during the holidays. So I probably won't update a full fledged comic strip over the next couple of weeks. But I WILL update... what? I dunno.
Here is yet another subway sketch session:
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