Thursday, March 13, 2008

don't you remember you told me you love me, baby?

Originally published at You can comment there.

This week, (and this chapter) is pretty much inspired by nouvelle vague. The keyword being inspired, as I'm not referencing a film or director in particular, but the idea of playing with conventions of the genre and medium. Keyword, playing. But I digress...

Over the past seven years, Kissing Chaos has incurred a love it or hate it response from those who've come across the comic. In some cases a love to hate it relationship, and in others, a love to love it. It's often said that you can't please everyone, and with KC I often struggle trying to maintain a balance between the wide range of people who dig the comic. There are many distinct elements at odds with one another in the Kissing Chaos make up, from from sappy teen drama, surreal conspiracy theory, philosophical and artistic soap box, broad and often out of place road trip action and bad teenage poetry.

Sometimes if I focus to acutely on one of these elements, and stand to alienate the group of people who were attracted to another element of the story all together. In the past, I've dealt with this struggle by thinking one particular story arc lasts as long as the person holds the comic in their hands. If they don't dig teen drama, they can just pick up the next trade paperback, or the next one-shot and get there fill of X-files style, or it's contemporary, LOST style conspiracy laden plot threads.

However, now that I'm working not in 30 page, or 100 page chunks, but weekly snippets, it's taking a damn long time to get past each of these elements, and of course, the fear sets in...
'Til I Die has been plotted until it's completion. KC has been about "what does ADC want to read in a comic at this very moment" from jump, and it's going to go some weird places. I hope everyone sticks around for the ride!