Thursday, July 09, 2009

I set fire to our bed.

So, I just updated my webcomic. For longtime fans, this is somewhat of a monumental event. Not that I updated my comic on time, (okay, that might be a reason to celebrate), but the fact that the main character of the whole shebang, Angela, actually spoke in this comic. For the uninitiated, Angela has been mute for the entire series. Okay, I kinda cheat by having her thoughts narrate the first volume of Kissing Chaos, as well as at least one one-shot comic. But she has never spoken to another character. The closest she's come is via txt message and email in various instances.

I think, part of the hook of the series was the fact that she was mute, and the narrator. It definitely added to the, dreamlike ether that prevaded the series 16 page debut, and set the tone for the countless pages that followed.

Why did I have her speak? I can tell you, and you'll most likely think I'm nuts. But here goes...

The story for 'Til I Die was written a while back, when I was still working with Oni Press. All I've been doing for the webcomic is drawing out a meticulously crafted tale, four years in the making. This elevator scene with Damien and Angela was originally going to be silent, with both of them staring at each other during the course of the elevator ride. It was going to be cute.

Well, this morning, when I got out of bed, I awoke from a dream where I and this girl, who'll remain unnamed had were at a bar with a group of people. I had to leave early, and she walked me out where we said out good byes, and proceeded to have the exchange that Damien and Angela have in the elevator.


D:Don't go.

A:What's that supposed to mean?

D: I don't know.

D: Just, don't go.

I dunno. I like it. LOL

18 more comics til I finish up 'Til I Die!!! can't wait!!!