Tuesday, October 27, 2009

smell of wine and cheap perfume

Hmm, why is posting one thing on this damn blog everyday such a chore. ONE THING. EVERYDAY. Is that really a hard thing to do? I've said I'd try it before, and I'll say it again. Forgive me if I fail hard.

Previously, I mentioned lots of stuff is happening.

I'm drawing again. Yes. One of the things I'm doing is a piece for http://howfuckingromantic.wordpress.com/ . This is a sweet collection of comix and illos inspired by the album 69 Love Songs by indie crew The Magnetic Fields. How awesome is 69 arts by a slew of talented sons of bitches, not to mention the daughters of bitches.

The deadline for this project is Nov. 1st, and I'm cutting it damn close. For the rest of the week I'll post my progress on this project.

November is also known as National Novel Writing Month, or Nanowrimo. I'm participating this year, and hope to have a manuscript written in one month!!!

I've got creative OCD, or ADD, or whatever. You know what I mean. Just check which ever one applies, cuz I'm too lazy right now to wiki the answer. But, yeah, I'm all over the map creatively, and multitask like a mofo, so in order for me to write the 40k+ words required to, um, WIN Nanowrimo, I need to be quite diligent.

Just like Hemingway before me, I need to keep a daily word count. So I found this nifty little text editor, that not only provides you a clutter free work environment, but also lets you set a word count goal, and tells you real time what percentage of words you've typed, and how close you are to reaching your goal. Does that make sense? I hope so, because I'm not re-typing it. Hahahaha

The software is called Q10, and it's awesome. If you need to keep a word count in any way shape or form, this thing is for you! I'm using it for my nano project. Which may or may not end up being a comic. I'll fill in the blanks at a later date.

And continuing on my no street cred having musical selections, here's a little ditty sung by Lea Michele, who is AMAZING. She got mad vocal chops. This clip is from the show GLEE, which I love to no end. Shut up! ;p

until next time