Monday, February 20, 2006

1.5 cents

While it definitely fits perfectly into the category of movies that can be described as quirky, comedy/dramas, films that examine the human condition in today’s trying times, a day and age where our roles as people are no longer as defined as they were, say in the 50’s, ME YOU AND ENVERYONE WE KNOW is still very much worth a watch.

Yes, you’ve all seen movies like this, and you know what I’m talking about. I can spout out names like Magnolia, American Beauty, Grand Canyon or even Royal Tenenbaums to an extent, but that wouldn’t do justice to ME YOU…, or those other films, all of which I think have their own special merits, while still sharing an aesthetic that in a small way defines them as a “type of movie”. And you know this type. Sort of depressed in the beginning, with offbeat characters and deadpan humor, then uplifting in the end, as people come to realizations of what they need to do to get out of their rut. ME YOU... adheres to those storytelling laws, as well as sticks to the conventions of tone, style and pacing that are pretty much rule of thumb for these movies.

All this being said, I love these types of movies, and I loved ME YOU... There are plenty of clever ideas and dialogue, plus some social commentary which I’m sure will cause many a heated discussion among the people who’ve seen this flick. Look out Message boards! Not to mention a scene where I totally LOL’d, at an almost nonstop rate, until I actually stopped. I totally would have lost it in the theatre.

I dunno. As much as I might diss this movie for failing at being entirely original, Me You and Everyone We Know has brought to my attention talent of a fresh voice in film, who hopefully will bring even more great work to the table.


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz