Tuesday, March 14, 2006

thanks for all the fiiiish

I finally saw The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy on the weekend. I really wanted to see this in the theater, but never got around to it. When I got over the shock of the fact that the title wasn't actually Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe, I settled in and enjoyed the movie. Having just seen Mos Def in 16 Blocks, comparing the two roles really shows that guy has some range.

I have never read the book, or heard the radio plays, so I was able to experience the story from a totally unbiased viewpoint, which I think made the film easier to swallow. At the same token, I probably missed a lot of the subtleties and in jokes, but I was able to follow and have a good time with the story, and dialogue, which was pretty adequate. Truthfully, I felt the best part was the dolphin song at the top of the movie, now that, was hilarious. The DVD includes a bouncing ball sing along to the song, and that was even better than watching the dolphins do their thing. There were points where I felt the quirkiness may have held back Hitchhiker's accessibility to a mainstream audience, but I think over all there were some great moments captured on film. Not great enough to make me want to read the source material, or even listen to the radio play, mind you. But enough to say the movie is worth checking out when you've got a lazy day of lounging ahead of you.

So, I'm back to uploading some daily images. This one is yet another Raevyn sketch, that was actually going to be used as a cover to the first online comic. This is a raw drawing, with none of the after effects that I have planned for it, thus, it has an unfinished look. Alot of my work has to be completed on the computer, or with ink or paint, so rarely do I have a full finished pencilled piece of art.

I felt this drawing's line quality was too harsh, and I need to soften it up a bit. I'll finish it up today!


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz