Monday, May 08, 2006

bags are packed... ready to go.

First up, the main feed of this blog, which is usually found at, is in dire straits. The server Keeps having bad connections. I can't even log in to update! So I'm using blogger and livejournal as my back ups. This week I'll be switching servers, so I'm assuming things will be right as rain I in about a week.

So, I got my first bit of ink done over the weekend. What can I say, I'm hooked! I'm already planning of the rest of my sleeve. And it was especially sweet because it was my own design!

I Know I'm a bit behind the times, as a lot of my have tattoos and I've designed some for a number of people. And that's not even mentioning the KC fans who have gotten the logo permanently fashioned on their skin. (I guess I just did!) But better late than never! I can't wait to get more work done!

There's a bit of news l posted at Kissing chaos dot com mentioning a new KC comic I'm working on. Allow me to shed a bit of light on this. Though it may feature one or two of the overtures that I'm working on for the website, the main purpose of the book is to serve as a prelude to the "Sweet Nothings" story that I'm planning for the fall. More on this in the next installment of "the Struggle".


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz