Thursday, April 20, 2006


I think my server is haunted.

In the last few months, I've been problems with posting on this blog. On occasion I get "internal errors" with vague explanations as to what's wrong. Of course, the reason for the error must be my doing; perhaps I didn't configure the cgi files correctly on the server. Bullshit! Between the times my posting does not work, and the moments where they do, I never touch the cgi inner workings of the blog.

Here's where it gets weird.

I was trying to post my "the cat guy" post yesterday,(since posted on my blogger/livejournal feeds), but for some reason it wouldn't work on this page. Try as I might, at multiple times during the day, in an effort to see if it was just a server issue that had been rectified, my post would not, umm, post!

So this morning I decide to give it another go, and get the same error message. On a whim, I attempt to post the message you see below, detailing that I'm having technical difficulties. Lo, and behold! It worked!

Could the server problems have been fixed that very instant? Just a minute after my previous post was denied? So I go to edit the "technical difficulties" post, inserting "the cat guy" message in its place. ERROR!

WTF? Why won't this one post, post?? Why will another message work like a charm? Is the server being picky? Is there some apparition haunting the server and its CGI files, playing god with the messages I want to post?

Again.... if this post works, it was just luck of the draw!


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz