Wednesday, April 19, 2006

the second season

Now, if you were one of my close friends, or just knew me a little, it would come as no surprise that I'm so not the jock type. I'm not one for going to the sports bar on superbowl sunday, downing a pitcher of booze and a pound of wings. In fact, one quick look at me will probably speak volumes of how un-jock like I am. Except...

Yes, there's one exception. Much like the bad song from the South Park flick, I blame Canada. You might be able to guess where this is going. There must be something in the water up here, north of the border, because I love Hockey. The only sport I ever played by choice, an the only sport I watch, again by choice. Now, I'm not hardcore to the point where I know every player's name, or actually care about the stats and what not, but I love the game. And I love this time of year, because what they call the second season is about to begin. Playoffs.

Sadly, my hometown team did not make the cut this year. It was a close battle, and they barely missed a playoff birth by mere points. Nevertheless, it's a bitter sweet springtime for Toronto Maple Leaf fans.

Anyway, so please forgive me in advance if I digress into a babbling hockey fan for the next month. I hate the concept of guilty pleasures, as I don't think we should ever apologize for what makes us happy... so I'll allow myself this one adrenaline fueled indulgence.


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz