Thursday, March 30, 2006

post at Transmission-x

I posted this over at Transmission-x earlier today.

Subject: Oh my god, did you what Melrose Place last night?

It's the doodles you do in the margins of your notebooks at school. It's the monday morning water cooler discussions at work. It's talking on your cell phone or changing radio stations when you're hurtling down the freeway at 80 mph. The stuff we do, when we aren't doing the things we are supposed to be doing. In some ways, that's what Transmission-X is for me. Goofing off.

It was delayed freelance gigs, and sleepless nights spent brainstorming. It was hours spent developing the groundwork for a narrative that really had no ultimate goal, such as becoming a comic and ending up in print somewhere. It was a story that I was crafting, just for fun, free from any outside influence. A story for story's sake, I guess. Eventually the notion that this story would be a good comic crossed my mind.

Then along came Transmission-X, and the realization that I'm not alone in the need to create. Everyone involved in T-X seems to have been able to make some sort of living from working in art or comics, and yet we all still feel the urge to do more. This leads me to think that since the work is essentially pro bono, then what we produce for this project actually means something to us. It's not just another freelance gig. It's something more. Something that needs to be shared with the world.

That said, I suppose my involvement with this project is just away to validate my goofing off.

Like, most of the crew here, I'll be using this space to post what essentially amounts to a production diary, chronicling the creation of my story. This is all new to me. Until recently, I've only on the rarest of occasions shared my work with other people before it was near completion. So this will be a whole new experience for me. It'll be hard to let go, but it needs to be done.

I'll start next week. Maybe by revealing the title of my story.

Baby steps. ;)


ps- Yes, I'm aware of how dated I sound by referencing Melrose Place.

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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz