Wednesday, March 22, 2006

my creative ADD, or whatever...

That online comic section I've been working on is almost complete. Stay tuned for the updates, it should be an interesting ride through the insanity which is my mind and it's creative process.

I recently got the urge to adapt something. Yeah, adapt. I feel like taking a work, developed by another writer or artist, and construct my own derivative work from their creation. I know, I know, this something I've always despised seeing talented people do. I'm of the thought that, if you have the chops, why not add something new and exciting to the mass media. If you must reference older books, movies music in your own art, at the very least approach it from a new angle, a fresh perspective, build upon the groundwork laid down by the masters of the craft. I suppose in a way, I'm seeing the value of taking advantage of the public domain.

The simplest analogy I can give, is that of a cover song. If a band wants to cover a tune from another group that played a major role in influencing their particular style, why not honor that group? Plus, this gives the band an opportunity to enlighten the unschooled masses to music they may have never been otherwise exposed to.

Why not apply that same principle to comics, or novels or film?

So I've been doing research, an looking up old books and stories that have really inspired me in the past. Yeah, I know, this only prolongs the delays to works that I've begun. And if I was to really analyze my poor decision making, they would inevitably rate as bad business moves.

I blame my creative ADD. I need to keep moving. Like a shark. If I don't keep moving, I sink. I think.

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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz