Tuesday, April 11, 2006

can you say, weekend from hell?

So, it has finally happened.

I've gone through my life, relatively incident free. I few weeks ago I would've added a "thus far" in there somewhere. A few days a go, I would joke with my friends about how I've never stayed in a hospital, ever, and how I'm sure I've got mine coming. I've seen friends get sick and heal up, had family do some time in the emergency room for this and that, but never had that experience myself. But as of thursday last week, my time had come.

It's a long, ugly story, involving bad doctors and multiple trips to the emergency room, (not in anyway as fast paced and exciting as the TV show paints it), finally getting admitted to the hospital, and enduring 4 days of pain. And with my release just yesterday, no real closure on what made me ill., as it's something I'm going to be dealing with for the rest of my life.

I won't go into detail about what was/is wrong with me, as those sobs stories are a dime a dozen. I won't go into the politics of the Canadian Health Care system, because that's another story. All I can say, is I'm still here. Alive. Kicking. (though not literally kicking, as I'm sure that's not what the doctors had in mind by telling me to take it easy for a month or so).

At any rate, I'll do my best too keep y'all informed, and if it seems like I'm not here as often, it's most likely on doctor's orders, and I haven't forgotten about Kissing Chaos, or it's fans! I'll be back soon!


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz