like toy soldiers...
In the 20s, it was Jazz. In the 50's it was Rock. In the 60s, Soul. In the 70s and 80s, Punk, Disco, and Metal took shape. It seems every generation has a genre of music that permeates it's culture and defines the times. As we traverse this new millennium, we are in a new era of contemporary music. And it's name is Hip-Hop.
I can remember a day when Rap music was on the fringe, and if you were into that scene, you weren't "normal". And back then, being different, or "alternative" was not a badge of honor like it is today. If you weren't dressed in polka dot shirts and belting out Bon Jovi, you were just, weird.
Oh, how times have changed. Sure there are segments of the music loving public that still regard those who love rap music as less than zero, but one survey of our mainstream pop culture will attest to Hip-Hop's sovereignty. Some of the most die-hard indie/underground music fans I know can spout the hook to whatever rap song is currently reigning the charts. I've seen friends who used to make fun of hip-hop now say they are into the Beastie Boys, or Kanye West, as if it gives them more cred as true music aficionados. It's like saying "my best friend is (insert any race here)", when accused of being racist.
Anyway, what really blew me away the other day, the thing that really shows that Hip Hop culture will be synonymous with our times, this decade was the emergence of the Narnia Rap Battle.
Now I've seen it all. I think every last aspect of hip-hop culture has been bastardized in some way or another.
It all started with an SNL skit, that turned into a viral hit on the internet. Two dudes rapping about watching the Chronicles of Narnia and other junk. This has spawned many parodies, of something that was a parody itself. Some guys from the west coast, the mid west, and even the UK have gotten into this mock hip hop battle. It's pretty funny, but then again, I love hip hop.
Check out You Tube and do a search, I'm sure all these Narnia battle raps are easy to find.
Let's just pray that they learned a lesson from what happened to Biggie and Pac, and they keep the banging on wax.
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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz
I can remember a day when Rap music was on the fringe, and if you were into that scene, you weren't "normal". And back then, being different, or "alternative" was not a badge of honor like it is today. If you weren't dressed in polka dot shirts and belting out Bon Jovi, you were just, weird.
Oh, how times have changed. Sure there are segments of the music loving public that still regard those who love rap music as less than zero, but one survey of our mainstream pop culture will attest to Hip-Hop's sovereignty. Some of the most die-hard indie/underground music fans I know can spout the hook to whatever rap song is currently reigning the charts. I've seen friends who used to make fun of hip-hop now say they are into the Beastie Boys, or Kanye West, as if it gives them more cred as true music aficionados. It's like saying "my best friend is (insert any race here)", when accused of being racist.
Anyway, what really blew me away the other day, the thing that really shows that Hip Hop culture will be synonymous with our times, this decade was the emergence of the Narnia Rap Battle.
Now I've seen it all. I think every last aspect of hip-hop culture has been bastardized in some way or another.
It all started with an SNL skit, that turned into a viral hit on the internet. Two dudes rapping about watching the Chronicles of Narnia and other junk. This has spawned many parodies, of something that was a parody itself. Some guys from the west coast, the mid west, and even the UK have gotten into this mock hip hop battle. It's pretty funny, but then again, I love hip hop.
Check out You Tube and do a search, I'm sure all these Narnia battle raps are easy to find.
Let's just pray that they learned a lesson from what happened to Biggie and Pac, and they keep the banging on wax.
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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz
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