Thursday, May 25, 2006

soon and very soon...

Yeah, I know, it's been a while since the last update. I've been swamped with preparing for this Mocca arts fest. Working on some new KC comics and merch. I've never actually had a table at Mocca before, and without knowing what to expect, I'm setting my goals kinda low. Hopefully with all my efforts, sales of Kc stuff will break even, and pay for the the cost of the convention. We'll see.

Since the obligatory chained to my desk status (in other words, working) has been in place, I've been able to "watch" alot of movies while I pound the paper. I've taken in a variety of flicks, more notable Rob Zombie's Devil's Rejects, and a DVD screener of United 93. Both quite enjoyable. Dare I say, "good"?

I also saw Da DaVinci Code and Over the hedge over the last weekend, which was a long one. The Queen's B-day. Whoo hoo.

In my mind I was comparing the Da Vinci Code and United 93, as they are both fictionalized stories based on historical events. The Code came up pretty formulaic for the genre, and if you know me, you know I've seen every X-files and what other conspiracy crap that's out there, so the Code sorta fell flat.

But there was no denying the emotional impact of United 93. It was hard for me to discern whether it was great filmmaking that made the flick so powerful, or the fact that it's based on a very recent event, that carried a jetliner's worth of emotional baggage.

My lady and I tried to BBQ from our 23rd storey apartment on the weekend. Like i mentioned before, it was a long weekend, and in Canada, mostly noted as the kick off of nice weather. So in suburban tradition, we thought it would be a great idea to fire up the grill.

It turns out, the idea wasn't so great.

We had bought a tiny little table top charcoal BBQ just for this occasion. It was snuck into our building, along with a bag of charcoal, as I've heard that some apartment don't allow BBQs. All excited by this new culinary adventure, we stepped onto our balcony last sunday afternoon, fresh food in hand. After the charcoal bricks were neatly formed into a pyramid, we lit that sucker up.

Let me just say, wind+freshly lit charcoal= bad.

Now I understand why certain buildings don't allow BBQ on the balcony. The BBQ was tiny, but the flames were not. And don't get me started on the smoke. Oh, the smoke. So we ended up grilling stuff in the oven. Not the same thing.

So if anyone wants a table top BBQ, drop me a line!

I've recently installed wordpress onto my new server, so I should have the blog up and running very soon. The plan is to keep the livejournal/blogger feed going, it's good to have a back up.

I'll be in touch.


All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz