Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.
Hmm. The show HEROES has been one of those like/hate shows for me. It's mildly entertaining serialized fare is sullied by the fact that if you have read any superhero comics in the past, it has a heavy been there done that thing going for it. That said, there's a sense of vindication seeing something so rooted in comic lore getting mainstream attention.
If you read monthly superhero comics, you've probably gotten used to the fact that each issue, when all is said and done is fairly short. How much can actually happen in 22 pages? This usually means stories are truncated, or drawn the hell out, overstaying their welcome. Ever since HEROES began airing, it has suffered the same fate. Sure, ever so often big things happen, but for the most part, every espisode seems to come and go, and I'm left questioning what really happened? Where were all the big pay offs that they promise each week during the "next week on Heroes" clip? Seriously, it seems like they are constantly advertising the "next" episode as "the one" episode I've been waiting to watch all season. The one hour of action not to be missed.
Speaking of action, or the lack thereof. In yesterday's flash forward, there were multiple scenes where you'd think we'd see some superheroes throwdown! The young suped up Petrelli bro. vs Sylar (sp?). Petrelli and Hiro vs a lobby full of SWAT team dudes. And did we get any action? No. Just a tease. Because seeing Mohinder hold the door closed while two super powered "heroes" duke it out is much more satisfying a climax. Thanks a lot NBC.
Sure, there are issues of budget, and dealing with prime time ratings and such. But if shows such as ALIAS and or 24 can have a bit of violence, shouldn't a fantasy show about superheroes have a little bit of action?
But then of I think, since I am supposedly of the comic reading contingent, perhaps the show isn't really meant for me. The show is meant for my mom, my cousin who reads Life and Style. People who's only contact with superheroes is wondering what Kirsten Dunst will wear in SpiderMan 3. Just like the Nintendo Wii is more for casual gamers and their parents, HEROES isn't meant for the hardcore.
Who am I to complain. I don't even read superhero comics.
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