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I just got back from NYC, where I attended the Museum of Cartoon and Comic arts Festival Quite the fancy name for a comic convention, but whatever.
It wicked, yo! I had a pretty good time sitting at my first Mocca table, trying to pimp my wares and all that. Had an even better time hanging with my "convention" buddies. You know, the comic creator folk that I only see at various comic industry related events and shows. I spent some time catching up with everybody, kinda like going to summer camp or some yearly high school reunion centered around a love for art and comics. It's fun. The best part is swapping comics and other product with other creators. Brian Wood is always kind and let's me grab comics off him for free. I did the swap thing with so many folks, when I opened my bag, I couldn't even remember who I got some of these comics from. Aside from comics, I got some cooking tips from Becky Cloonan, so that was cool. Oddly enough, I spent more time hanging out and talking with friends from my local comic scene in Toronto, than networking with new people. There's a powerful comics scene in the T-dot, and it seemed like at least half of them were in NY this weekend.
Normally at comic conventions, it's all about partying all night, getting wasted and coming to the convention the next day to interact with fans in a drunken stupor. This time around I figured I'd be a total tourist, and go sight seeing with every free moment I got. NYC is a killer city, and makes Toronto look like a little village by comparison. I must've lost like 10 pounds just walking everywhere. I love the NYC subway system. Brilliant. Confusing, but brilliant. And just as I got a hang of it, I had to fly home. And rest assured by the next time I'm in NYC, I'll have forgotten everything!
KC went over pretty well! I sold a number of KC vol.1s, and almost all of the KC: SOCIAL OBLIGATION mini comics that I printed up. A few people got some inked sketches from me. It was one of the first times I inked with a chinese brush at a convention. My nerves were shot! But the end results were pretty sweet! I'll post some here when I yank them off my camera. I wasn't sure what to expect from the crowd, in terms of reaction to KC. I must admit I felt a little out of place, in a room surrounded by more cartoony and cute comics. Having a table right next to Mal and his Scott Pilgrim book certainly helped get the traffic in our corner of the convention, but I'm sure most Scott Pilgrim fans wouldn't take a second look at KC, at least from glancing at the covers or T-shirts. It did seem like cute and cartoony was the order of the day, though I might of had an entirely different con experience had I been placed next to Brian Wood or Rob G. But it's all good! The KC fans did find me, and I signed a number of books people have purchased from their local shops. I few people cam up to me and said their friends sent them to get their books signed. That is actually a regular occurrence at comic cons for me. People coming up to me saying their best friend, or their wife or the girlfriend love my book. It's kinda funny I guess.
One great thing was when I talked with Derrick KC, the guest coordinator (who hooked me up with the table), he mentioned that his younger sister, who never liked comics, was rummaging through his room one day, and saw KC Vol.1. She was intrigued by the cover, and decided to read it, surprised at first that it was a comic. She fell in love, and has since read every KC comic, and is dying for more. Also, since her first taste of KC, she's been getting into all kinds of books, and is now a full fledged comic fan. All thanks to KC. It's an honor to have affected someone that way with my work!
Anyway, that's it for this con report. I'm all pumped and will be turning out new KC comics starting now! These will appear online shortly. In the meantime, if you didn't pick one up at the convention, you should order your own copy of KC: SOCIAL OBLIGATION.

The mini comic is 21 pages long, and is the first brand new KC comic in a few years. This one opens the flood gates, and there will be much more KC! However, this comic is a very limited edition (not limited by a certain number, but limited by when I feel like stopping the print run... which will be soon!), and it features characters from both KC volumes. The story hints at what's to come in the SWEET NOTHINGS online storey this fall. The story told within SOCIAL OBLIGATION will never be re-printed or re mastered in anyway, so if you don't get this one, you may never see it again!
Anyway check out the store and get yours today!
All text (C) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz
It wicked, yo! I had a pretty good time sitting at my first Mocca table, trying to pimp my wares and all that. Had an even better time hanging with my "convention" buddies. You know, the comic creator folk that I only see at various comic industry related events and shows. I spent some time catching up with everybody, kinda like going to summer camp or some yearly high school reunion centered around a love for art and comics. It's fun. The best part is swapping comics and other product with other creators. Brian Wood is always kind and let's me grab comics off him for free. I did the swap thing with so many folks, when I opened my bag, I couldn't even remember who I got some of these comics from. Aside from comics, I got some cooking tips from Becky Cloonan, so that was cool. Oddly enough, I spent more time hanging out and talking with friends from my local comic scene in Toronto, than networking with new people. There's a powerful comics scene in the T-dot, and it seemed like at least half of them were in NY this weekend.
Normally at comic conventions, it's all about partying all night, getting wasted and coming to the convention the next day to interact with fans in a drunken stupor. This time around I figured I'd be a total tourist, and go sight seeing with every free moment I got. NYC is a killer city, and makes Toronto look like a little village by comparison. I must've lost like 10 pounds just walking everywhere. I love the NYC subway system. Brilliant. Confusing, but brilliant. And just as I got a hang of it, I had to fly home. And rest assured by the next time I'm in NYC, I'll have forgotten everything!
KC went over pretty well! I sold a number of KC vol.1s, and almost all of the KC: SOCIAL OBLIGATION mini comics that I printed up. A few people got some inked sketches from me. It was one of the first times I inked with a chinese brush at a convention. My nerves were shot! But the end results were pretty sweet! I'll post some here when I yank them off my camera. I wasn't sure what to expect from the crowd, in terms of reaction to KC. I must admit I felt a little out of place, in a room surrounded by more cartoony and cute comics. Having a table right next to Mal and his Scott Pilgrim book certainly helped get the traffic in our corner of the convention, but I'm sure most Scott Pilgrim fans wouldn't take a second look at KC, at least from glancing at the covers or T-shirts. It did seem like cute and cartoony was the order of the day, though I might of had an entirely different con experience had I been placed next to Brian Wood or Rob G. But it's all good! The KC fans did find me, and I signed a number of books people have purchased from their local shops. I few people cam up to me and said their friends sent them to get their books signed. That is actually a regular occurrence at comic cons for me. People coming up to me saying their best friend, or their wife or the girlfriend love my book. It's kinda funny I guess.
One great thing was when I talked with Derrick KC, the guest coordinator (who hooked me up with the table), he mentioned that his younger sister, who never liked comics, was rummaging through his room one day, and saw KC Vol.1. She was intrigued by the cover, and decided to read it, surprised at first that it was a comic. She fell in love, and has since read every KC comic, and is dying for more. Also, since her first taste of KC, she's been getting into all kinds of books, and is now a full fledged comic fan. All thanks to KC. It's an honor to have affected someone that way with my work!
Anyway, that's it for this con report. I'm all pumped and will be turning out new KC comics starting now! These will appear online shortly. In the meantime, if you didn't pick one up at the convention, you should order your own copy of KC: SOCIAL OBLIGATION.

The mini comic is 21 pages long, and is the first brand new KC comic in a few years. This one opens the flood gates, and there will be much more KC! However, this comic is a very limited edition (not limited by a certain number, but limited by when I feel like stopping the print run... which will be soon!), and it features characters from both KC volumes. The story hints at what's to come in the SWEET NOTHINGS online storey this fall. The story told within SOCIAL OBLIGATION will never be re-printed or re mastered in anyway, so if you don't get this one, you may never see it again!
Anyway check out the store and get yours today!
All text (C) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz
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