end of prologue
Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.
I've been inspired by Paul Pope as of late, and his whole "comics destroyer" approach to comics. The concept that comics must change if it is to survive. The idea that one must destroy comics in order to save them.One of the things I wanted to experiment with the opening of TIL I DIE, was really to re-examine comics storytelling, and use a different form of art within the panel to panel rules that make up comics. I played with type, design and collage, all in the hopes to create a different experience withing the parameters of comics.
I'm pretty much done with that experiment, and next week I'll get the story going full steam with a more traditional style of art. But that doesn't mean the experiments will end. Far from it.
I was trying to explain my whole "comics with no art, just type" concept to a friend of mine, probably failing miserably. She replied saying "comics without pictures, just words. We already have those. They are called books."
I laughed.
Here are the initial breakdowns of the KC: TIL I DIE prologue.

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