like endless rain into a paper cup...
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After a summer of anticipation, Across the Universe finally opened to a wide release this past weekend. I was totally crispy to see this one. Great cast, great director. Lest we forget, great music.Now, I'm not the hugest Beatles fans, though I do dig a lot of their work. I can definitely appreciate what they've done for popular music, and for this movie. Walking out of the theatre, I was conflicted. I wanted so much to adore ATU, and enjoy it I did. There was a part of me that just wasn't convinced that this was a good "movie". Yes, it was an experience, and it had many moments of awesomeness, but strip away the musical aspect, and the high production values, that in part, you must agree, was sorta gimmicky, and what are you left with? If story is the backbone of film, was ATU suffering from scoliosis?I couldn't help but wonder how much of the emotion in what I had just seen can be credited soley to the Beatles music that ran through the entire film. Were there actual characters and a story, or just cardboard cutouts and a derivative plot line?
Probably. But the music made up for it, and wasn't that the plan all along?
In other news, I totally missed out on the Family Guy Star wars thing, though I did catch the last scene where they mentioned that Robot Chicken did the same thing earlier this year. Funny stuff.
I heard the new show CHUCK premiered last night. From what I've learned thus far, it looks like a rip off/homage of Johnny Mnemonic.
Lemme know if you watched it!!!
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