happy whatevs!
Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.
For all you KISSING CHAOS hardcores out there, Angela actually speaks in this weeks KISSING CHAOS:'TIL I DIE comic. OMG! Yes, OMG indeed. If you aren't a longtime fan, this means nothing to you. ;p
Hope all y'alls have a happy whatever you're celebrating this December. Personally, I'm kickin' it to some crazy mash-up of Filipino/Indian/commercial holiday goodness! So excuse the non comic (so called a dead Piro day in honor of megatokyo. what up Fred!) I posted this week. We will return to regularly scheduled programming presently!
I'll probably try to update over the actual time off days, and of course, will have a new comic up next thursday... hit me up! What do you want santa to give you for xmas? I'll see what I can do. heh.
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