honest to blog. ugh.
Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.
For a while I've been feeding my blog onto numerous websites, including the Kissing Chaos main page. I won't be doing that any more. The KC site will only feature blog posts germane (I've always wanted to use that word) to Kissing Chaos, and the mydestroyer dot com blog site will be my random bloginess. It's kinda sorta like that disclaimer: "the thoughts expressed on this blog in no way reflect the beliefs of kissing chaos dot com", sort of thing. I sorta want a palce to rant and rave and have it nothing to do with KC, and I guess that shiznet shouldn't be on kissingchaos.com.
So yeah, check out mydestroyer.com for my random thoughts and what not.
I've just started playing Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core on my sleek PSPslim! "But, Arthur! That game doesn't come out until the 25th, how did you get it?" To that I would say,"Quiet, you!"
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