Saturday, August 02, 2008

Nostalgia is my middle name.

Originally published at You can comment there.

Not sure if it's a by product of getting old, but I have this desire to either hold on to things of my past. Is it kinda like being retro? Or reliving the quote/unquote glory days of yore?

For example, last year I found some sneakers on eBay that I used to have years prior, and actually still kept and wore on occasion, despite their being mangled to all hell. I threw out my old pair once I got the new ones. Over a year has passed, and I've yet to wear these new/old kicks. I guess I don't want to scuff them up? I'm waiting for the perfect occasion? I dunno.

In another bout of retro, reliving my youth, I'm going to see Rancid play a show tonight. I guess you could say they were a huge deal to me when I was a wee lad in school. Lets see how gravelly Tim's voice has gotten!
