Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 more to go...

Perhaps I think manifestos commanding grand sweeping change in one's life to be an exercise in futility, or I'm just a pussy... but I don't feel like posting my manifesto at this time. Sorry, folks. I get the feeling that with this 'festo, my mouth could be writing checks that my body couldn't cash.

And I firmly believe that actions speak louder than words, so I'll let my actions do the talking.

So, you know how a few years ago, the TV show LOST (of which, I'm loving the new season), pretty much laid out all their plans for the series? I'm guessing because of their hyper convoluted story lines and perhaps a dip in the ratings, the network wanted to hold the creators of the show accountable for the beautiful mess they had created. Essentially, they wanted assurance that the show had a point, an ending, and the writers weren't just flying by the seats of their pants.

Sure, I'm no JJ Abrams, or who ever is the puppet master behind Lost, but Kissing Chaos is quite the oblique piece of work. The web comic 'Til I Die is specifically non linear, and at times could be more of a chore than entertainment.

Rest assured, I have an ending, and recently cemented the entire story. I have written down what will happen in each and every "weekly" update from now until the story is complete.

A week ago, the story required about 32 weeks to finish. But I really want to get this story out and finished, so I pared that down to about 25 weeks.

So there. You can expect 25 more updates to this current arc of Kissing Chaos, before the next one begins. The following arc will be a direct sequel to KC: volume 2.

