Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm a PC

Originally published at You can comment there.

So, being a child of the 90's, and a fan of Seinfeld, the show, I was definitely hyped to see these touted Microsoft ads featuring none other and Bill Gates and Jerry Seinfeld. Though I think Apple personal computers (PCs) have awesome aesthetics, and it's OS is pretty slick, I usually default to purchasing Windows based computers, currently using a tablet ASUS which rocks! The reason for my choice is not that I resemble the PC guy from the horrible MAC/PC ads, but that I'm not a rich man. When I'm faced with two mainstream options for a computer/laptop what have you, that essentially operate the same, with only slight differences in execution (and gross differences in style and public perception), I most likely opt for the cheaper option. Windows based PCs, are more often than not, cheaper than Apple Platform pcs with comparable specs.

So, I was a little disappointed when Microsoft pulled the Seinfeld ad campaign. I thought they were funny. I don't mind the new I'm a PC ads, but they don't really provoke much thought, so, yeah.