Tuesday, August 12, 2008

has it been a week...?

Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

wow. I vowed to post something every day, and that lasted, what...? a week?

My bad?

Speaking of bad, Strongbad, of flash animation fame, has a game available on Wii Ware. I was an early adopter of the Wii, and now it just collects dust. This whole Wii ware thing interests me, but I couldn't be bother to try and figure out how the online Wii shenanigans work.

Finally saw Kung Fu Panda. Cute.

Have yet to see Pineapple Express, but I hear good things. I guess I'm too busy working and getting ready for two babies which will join me on this mortal coil in less than a month.

Speaking of busy, yeah, I haven't updated my online KISSING CHAOS comic in 2 weeks. I'll get to it this week. I was tied up last week working on a new property for the small screen. Who knows if that will actually go anywhere, but the pitching process and talking with Hollywood types has been fun.

This week I've beginning work on a "holiday" comic for Motorola. Yup. The phone company. They are paying fairly well, but I would love to get a cell phone out of the gig.

anyway, that's been my life the past week.

oh, yes, I've been watching the latest season of Desperate Housewives marathon style the last couple of days while I work on some re-writing projects. Big, cheesy fun.

Tomorrow I'll be searching for my street cred.
