Monday, November 02, 2009

a haiku

Oh man, so I totally failed at updating my blog daily last week.

I'm still working on, and finishing up my piece for and the 69 Love Songs Project. More on that, and some artwork to be posted soon!

Also, it was Halloween weekend, and I dressed as a member of Team Zissou, from The Life Aquatic. There may be pics of that uploaded too.

But yeah, allow me to attempt once again to update my blog every day this week. The following week my be spotty, as I'll be travelling to Italy, and may not have access to the web.

So, to espress my sadness in my failure to update, here is a haiku:

so oft neglected / tho' one's life endeavors on! / blog lying in wait

Ya. I just did that.

Oh, and seeing Florence and the Machine tonight!!!