Thursday, April 22, 2010

look at me! I blog.

Allright, let's try this again.

This is my broken record. I try to blog, then I fail, then I try again. Try, try again. Fail. Try again. My mantra.

So, we are now entering the aforementioned try try again phase of the cycle, and I would love some company on this sinking ship of a blog, so come along for the ride.

I realize it's been a minute since I've updated, so I'm going to introduce myself and do the whole this is me schpiel. First. I kinda look like this:

Picture 016.jpg

My name is Arthur Dela Cruz. I'm from Toronto (read:Mississauga, 15 mins out of T.O.). I am a freelance artist slash writer. I've quote/unquote made a name for myself in the indie comic scene with a book called KISSING CHAOS. It's a moderate success, with multiple printings, foriegn editions and award nominations. (patting self on back) KC has a rarely updated, but soon to be revived website, and is currently taking a break from the print format to be a retardedly weird webcomic.

I've spent the better part of a decade freelancing and providing art and writing for film/tv/magazines and comics. I'm currently developing many different projects, and have a few comics and even a film in the works.

I also occasionally rewrite Japanese and Korean comics for the English speaking market.

More info on all of these things will be revealed soon, but I do have to remain hush hush on almost everything I work on due to non disclosure agreements and copyright blah blah blah.

What I can tell you, is that my webcomic will begin updating weekly in MAY, and I'll be at TCAF with a zine with a bunch of writing and art for sale. More info soon

What else, um, I write and play multiple insturment and hope to pen the perfect pop song one of these days.

In the meantime, here is a bunch snippets of art:

Okay. That's all for now. I'll be back. soonish.

so, my websites:

and follow me on twitter: