secrets and lies!
So, the past year or so I've tried to be healthy. Exercise and eat right and what not. But since I've started doing what they say is "living right", I've gotten ill more times per year than I ever did when I was pumping my bloodstream full of sex, drugs and rock and roll. W T F?!
My theory, which is of course based on precise analytical diagnosis, is that since its doctors and health professionals who tell us how to become healthy, they're feeding us a load on purpose. If the populace in general, becomes ideal, healthy specimens, then the people telling us how to achieve that state of wellness would be out of the job!
So they tell us, eat more fruit, get exercise, do this and that, and you'll feel better, have energy et cetera. Meanwhile, they are hording the scientific proof, that smoking, drinking and general apathy actually hold the "real" sicknesses at bay.
I always knew, when I was a pimply faced teenager, that the dermatologists I went to were not actually trying to clear up my complexion, but in fact, they were the very reason I looked the way I did.
Anyway, this rant has been nourished by my newest bout with a cold. A couple of days ago I felt the runny nose and soreness of throat that foretell a week of migraines and inability to speak. Yet, I remember going to a doctor just over a month ago to get anti-biotics for a cough. Shouldn't I be immune for at least a month, or something like that? Like in an old school platforming video game, if I get hit with an enemy, you flash for a few seconds, and you're immune to damage in this time. This gives you a chance to regroup. Well, apparently, doctors can't afford to have me be immune for any length of time. Let me flash, con sarnit!
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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz
My theory, which is of course based on precise analytical diagnosis, is that since its doctors and health professionals who tell us how to become healthy, they're feeding us a load on purpose. If the populace in general, becomes ideal, healthy specimens, then the people telling us how to achieve that state of wellness would be out of the job!
So they tell us, eat more fruit, get exercise, do this and that, and you'll feel better, have energy et cetera. Meanwhile, they are hording the scientific proof, that smoking, drinking and general apathy actually hold the "real" sicknesses at bay.
I always knew, when I was a pimply faced teenager, that the dermatologists I went to were not actually trying to clear up my complexion, but in fact, they were the very reason I looked the way I did.
Anyway, this rant has been nourished by my newest bout with a cold. A couple of days ago I felt the runny nose and soreness of throat that foretell a week of migraines and inability to speak. Yet, I remember going to a doctor just over a month ago to get anti-biotics for a cough. Shouldn't I be immune for at least a month, or something like that? Like in an old school platforming video game, if I get hit with an enemy, you flash for a few seconds, and you're immune to damage in this time. This gives you a chance to regroup. Well, apparently, doctors can't afford to have me be immune for any length of time. Let me flash, con sarnit!
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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz
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