Tuesday, November 03, 2009

haiku for Florence and the Machine, and nano word count update.

Florence and the Machine was great last night. Amazing, good stuff. I took many a photo and a couple of vids. Someday, I plan to upload all my concert pics and vids. Someday. It'll happen.

Here's a little pic, and a haiku for Florence.


how wondrous a song/the soul ascends to heaven/she dances, she sings

Also, it's nanowrimo time. And I've done two consecutive days of 1666+words on my nano novel. In a moment of preemptiveness, I actually began working on this book in september, knowing full well with my other writing and drawing commitments, I would not in a million years have enough time to bust out 50 000 words one lone month. So, counting the the stuff I wrote from sept-oct, I have around 13 000+ words for my nano novel.

I'll keep you posted.