Saturday, April 28, 2007

I'm equal parts ghetto, punk, hardcore and emo

Originally published at You can comment there.

Don't know if this classifies as a meme, as I hate them so, but I thought this was cute.

[] You go/have gone tanning.
[x] You own an iPod/mp3 player.
[] You love Starbucks.
[] You have been called a brat.
[] You have tons of shoes?
[] You hate buying things that are on sale.
[x] You have a laptop.
[x] You love shopping.

[x] Black is one of your favorite colors.
[x] You wear chains.
[x] You like heavy metal.
[] you've shopped at hot topic
[] You have worn black lipstick.
[] You have/had/or wanted piercings.
[] You own a pair of Tripp pants
[x] More than one of your friends has unnaturally colored hair.

[x] You can skateboard.
[x] You like plaid.
[] You have/love Converse.
[ ] You hate mtv.
[] You have/had/wanted blue, pink, red, purple, or green hair.
[x] You love mohawks
[x] You LOVE Music.
[x] Hate when people who pretend to be something they are not.

[x] You are depressed sometimes.
[x] You have dark colored thick-rimmed glasses.
[] You cry easily.
[x] You like 'emo' music.
[x] You've kept a journal/diary.
[x] You have written a sad poem.
[] You have dyed your hair a dark color only underneath
[] You're sad when you're drunk

[x] You like rap.
[x] You have said "Fo Sho, Fo Shizzle, Fo Sheezy, etc.
[] You have worn/wanted a grill.
[x] You have had a freestyling contest.
[x] You have worn your shoes with the tongue flipped out.
[x] You've said the N word to a black person and didnt get punched
[]You know most of the lines from Boyz n the Hood
[]You own a huge gold chain with a giant gold pendant

[x] You like loud music.
[] You love/like the Ninja Turtles.
[x] You have slip-on shoes.
[] You love Norma Jean.
[x] People have called you a freak and meant it lovingly
[x] You love to "hardcore" dance
[]Your hair has been dyed more than one color.
[x] You wear jeans a lot.

[] You like The OC.
[] You had/have a tiny/small sized dog.
[] Your usual outfits consist of pink.
[] You like buying shoes, ALOT
[] You shop at Hollister.
[] Getting your nails done is a fun thing.
[] You have big sunglasses.
[] You can't go anywhere without your hair perfect.

[] You watch the Superbowl.
[] You own track shoes or cleats other sports related shoes.
[] You collect jerseys.
[] You have/ had a special shelf for trophies and awards.
[] Your garage/shed consists of sports equipment.
[] You belong/belonged to a team.
[] You have a specific number preferred for your jersey.

[] you like putting little bows in your hair
[] You have mini-skirts.
[x] You have parted your hair to the side.
[] You think polka-dots are way cute.
[x] You have done a peace sign while you pose for a picture.
[] You've been called scene before.
[] You have dyed your hair a bright, neon color
[] You wear/wore long, colorful socks with your skirts

[] Gone four wheeling.
[] Went hunting.
[] Owned a four/three-wheeler or dirt bike.
[x] Like to go fishing.
[] Eat beef jerky
[x] Ever said GIT-R-DONE.
[x] Listened to the song Redneck Woman.
[] Know who Bocephus is.

•The 1 that you have the most put as bulletin title


Thursday, April 26, 2007


Originally published at You can comment there.

The latest scene of the KC mini SOCIAL OBLIGATION has been uploaded!

Click here to read it starting from the new scene!
Click here to read it from the beginning!

As always, click on the images to advance the story, or navigate via the links at the bottom!
Enjoy, and lemme know what you think here, on myspace or on facebook!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

ART! Bombed. Prints, priced.

Hey all!

I've put new KC prints I have for sale up on Craigslist. I priced the 2 one of a kind prints at $600. I'd much rather see the art go into the hands of a KC fan, so if any of you out there want to make an offer, I can be flexible with the price! Don't forget, you get the original drawings signed when you get the prints!

Just to refresh your mmrs:

Now, if getting these prints are a little out of your price range, have I got the thing for you! Something I like to call ART! Bombs. Basically, if you care to donate the low low price of $10 (plus shipping), I'll send you a piece of original art. Totally random. It could be a page ripped right from my sketchbook, a rough painting, a KC character portrait, pencil ink, computer, love letter, whatever! Every piece of art will be signed and personalized. But you'll never know what you get till it arrives in the mail! Awesomes!

Go to the KC store and get art bombed! Do it now! We're running out of time! Jack Bauer said so!

Monday, April 23, 2007

things I saw on the weekend

Friday, April 20, 2007


About a year ago, I released the first new Kissing Chaos material in almost 3 years. It was a mini comic called SOCIAL OBLIGATION. It was received favorably by everyone who had a chance to buy it at conventions and online.

I've been getting emails and what not from people who never got a chance to pick up the book, but have been eager to read some new KC ish. Well, the new stuff is coming this summer, but to tide over the folks who have yet to enjoy it, I'll be putting SOCIAL OBLIGATION online for free, a scene a week, starting right now! Read the first installment here.

Drop me a line here, on myspace or find me on FACEBOOK! I want to hear what each and everyone of you think about it! And if you happened to be lucky enough to have bought the ultra rare print version of the story, you get some free art with your next purchase KC merch!
