Monday, May 28, 2007

Originally published at You can comment there.

Sorry for the lack of posts this past week. Working, stressing, mourning the loss of Veronica Mars and Black Donnellys, and reeling from the LOST season finale has kept me from the blog...

I found this on Becky Cloonan's blog. Please read and forward the message! An indie comic book's release is being held back by a production company that as optioned the rights to the original source material. It was based on a series of novels, which happen to be one of my favorite book series of all time...

This is a plea for help. Many of you know that we are set to publish our first serialized comic book, PHINEAS POE, a graphic adaptation of the acclaimed neo-noir novel Kiss Me, Judas by Will Christopher Baer. PHINEAS POE #1 was solicited to our national distributor in February for shipping this June. Many of you have already pre-ordered this title.

Ralph Hemecker, the President of Mythic Films (, purchased the rights to the Kiss Me, Judas novel at the end of February of this year. In April he sent my company Terra Major a cease-and-desist letter, claiming that his purchase agreement extends to graphic adaptations. Hemecker has also threatened my distributor Diamond Distributors, Inc. Diamond has complied with his cease-and-desist demand and will not distribute PHINEAS POE until our dispute is resolved. Will Christopher Baer and I met and agreed to adapt KMJ to comics before Hemecker entered the scene. We have been working on this for years, in our spare time, for no pay. Terra Major is a self-publishing enterprise. We make no money; we do what we do out of sheer love of comics. The artist Jefferson Costa, of Sao Paulo, Brazil, has produced 300 pages--as much as the graphic novel FROM HELL which was 12 years in the making. The fruits of his efforts can be seen here:

Although I have a legal right to publish the PHINEAS POE comic, I have offered to purchase a license from Hemecker. He has refused me; he will not answer my phone calls or emails; he will not talk to me at all; he will not negotiate with me. According to Baer, Hemecker just wants to "shut us down." It's hard for me to understand why. In his cease-and-desist letter he claims he has plans to produce his own graphic novel version. Again, I don't understand why he can't simply get behind the one we have already completed, and in close collaboration with the author.

Hemecker will seek an injunction against me in the next two weeks. My request to fans of Will Christopher Baer is simply that you download the PDFs above, look at we have done, and if you back it, write Hemecker an email in support of our work. The theory being that you all are the most important fans with respect to Chris' work and Hemecker would not want to alienate you. Again, I don't know why he is so hellbent on crushing us--it's not as if there is any money in comics.

Thank you for your support of indie comics and of the PHINEAS POE comic book. You can contact Hemecker at Perhaps with your help Hemecker will be persuaded to sell us a license so we can fulfill our purchase orders from Diamond--so that you can get your copy of the PHINEAS POE comic.


Shane L. Amaya
Publisher, Terra Major

Friday, May 25, 2007

Originally published at You can comment there.

Not much to update this week. I'm hard at work on this new Kissing Chaos ish that will be debuting online in June. I can't wait to let it all hang out there. I've been hoarding new KC material for so long, it'll be great to let people revel in my revelry.

It's been a crazy week, what with the holiday up here in Canada, so I really didn't get a chance to write that special commentary that accompanies SOCIAL OBLIGATION. I'll get that done over the weekend. Thanks to everyone who had kind words and emails to say about it. As previously mentioned, I was going to release something called KC:Overtures, a remix book of old KC shorts. While I'm still putting out that book, it will be delayed, as paying gigs/freelance has eating up a huge chunk of time that was originally going to be devoted to creating that book in time for the summer convention season.

Worry not, though, for in it's place will be SOCIAL OBLIGATION 2, a new mini comic that will feature a bunch of new stuff. More on that as we get closer to it's release. I plan to have this mini debut at the MOCCA arts fest in June.

Anyway, that's all for updates at this juncture. In other news, I'm extremely pleased with the season finale of LOST. The beginning of this season I feared for the show's longevity, but the last half of the season has catapulted LOST back into the top 5 or whatever of my fave shows in recent memory!

Oh yes, thanks to everyone who showed interest in my 2, one of a kind Kissing Chaos art prints (which were on display at an art show in april), but they have since been spoken for. I'm mailing them out to their new owner next week!



Thursday, May 17, 2007


Originally published at You can comment there.

SOCIAL OBLIGATION is now complete! Read the entire 2006 ltd. edition mini comic online for free!

Start from page 20. OR Read it from the beginning!

Enjoy, and hit me up on myspace or facebook or on this blog with some comments!!

Tune in next week for a commentary of sorts on the comic.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Originally published at You can comment there.

I've yet to see 28 Weeks Later, even though I really wanted to check it out last weekend. Has anyone seen it? Any recommendations?

The last few weeks have been spent pouring through downloaded movies that have stockpiled over months and months. A few that I've seen that I must wholeheartedly recommend were:

fun new-horror movie in the vien of Turistas/Hillshaveeyes/HighTension. Not mond blowingly great, but well worth the watch. I think it's getting a US/Canada release. I've seen posters at the theatres.
dark, character study of 5 people connected to one crime.
part film, part art installation by Bjork's boyfriend. almost no dialogue for 2 hours.
I feel slightly overrated, not as funny as the trailer, but still good for a laugh.
kind of veering into typical hollywood dramedy drivel, but great cast.
Eric Rohmer, French new wave style!
not a bad period piece. it had it's moments.
Spy movie! Sweet. And Angelina Jolie can actually act!
first time re-watching it since it's boxing day opening. Still as awesomes! Felt a little rushed on the small screen, perhaps a bit muted. A must see on a big screen in a theatre (none of that "home theatre" bullshit!), but definitely one of my fave movies of the past few years.

Lemme know what y'all think of these!


Thursday, May 10, 2007

Originally published at You can comment there.

It's new comic update day! So that means more pages online for kc:social obligation!

Read the latest scene!

Read from the beginning!


Monday, May 07, 2007

FCBD, inland empire, spiderman3

Originally published at You can comment there.

Free Comic book day was this past Saturday. It was a beautiful day in Toronto, perfect for walking around the city, hitting all the great purveyors of comic confectionery, all the while being entertained by all the cool kids going through the scenester motions.

Unfortunately, a few week ago FCBD was the furthest thing from my mind when I made plans to hit the Clothing Show, which hit Toronto last weekend. So I had to settle for watching all the scenesters shop for clothes. Which was great. the Clothing show is a big trade show where local, and not so local indie fashion designers get to pimp their wares. Also, retailers usually have samples and other goods available on the cheap. Thats not even mentioning all the jewelry makers and accessory designers present.

I just know you all find this terribly exciting.

Another highlight of my action parked weekend included checking out a screening of David Lynch's INLAND EMPIRE. I was amped to see this, as I love most of what Lynch has to offer. Of course, arguing Lynch's merit as a filmmaker is definitely moot. And since he rarely divulges his motivations, the methods of his mayhem, trying to decipher his films could be moot, as well. Fun, but moot.

INLAND continues to observe Lynch on his self imposed slippery slope into flat out stream of conscious film making. I would even suggest when compared to other films aiming for a dreamlike, non linear structure, INLAND even trumps Michel Gondry's THE SCIENCE OF SLEEP.

Ever since Fire Walk With Me, the narratives Of his major features have increasingly become more fragmented. (okay, maybe not STRAIGHT STORY, but you know what I mean.) And if you like Lynch movies, this does not disappoint, hitting all the familiar notes, and even paying homage to a number of previous works. In fact, when I got home all I wanted to do was pull out all my Dvds and re-watch all his flicks.

Just like listening to music, when I watch a movie, I like to access the art on a purely visceral level, regardless of any other info or input from outside influences. I find in doing this, I can get much more from a film that the pop culture gestapo may deem unworthy.This method of consumption works particularly well for David Lynch films, which require multiple viewings to gleem anything more than what is atmospheric. And Of course, Lynch is the master of this. All should fear the day he decides to make a straight forward Hollywood thriller.

I won't delve into what actually happened in the movie, I hate spoilers! Suffice it to say if you dig Lynch, you've either seen INLAND EMPIRE already or will do so in the future. And you won't be disappointed. If you have seen it and wanna discuss, hit me up here, facebook, myspace, email... I'm there.

oh, yeah, I also saw Spider-Man 3 last friday. Meh.


Thursday, May 03, 2007

Originally published at You can comment there.

The latest scene of KC:SOCIAL OBLIGATION is now online!

CLICK HERE to read the latest scene!
CLICK HERE to read it all from the beginning!

In other KC news, 2 one of a kind prints are on sale, Art! bombs are available, and a whole whack of T-shirts will be discontinued very soon! Get them while you can!


Wednesday, May 02, 2007


Originally published at You can comment there.

Why do I always seem to have to work more when the weather gets nice?

I'm working my butt off to get some new "product" ready for the summer convention season. Speaking of which, I updated the "appearance" schedule on, to include the big FanExpo in Toronto on August 24-26. It's the biggest pop culture convention in Canada, and it's usually a doozy.

Also speaking of KC merch, most of the shirts you see available in the KC store will be discontinued very soon. I want to make a whole new line of shirts, and need to clear the clutter. So if you've been feeling any of the designs, you've got one last chance to get them before they are gone for good!



Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Originally published at You can comment there.

Hmm. The show HEROES has been one of those like/hate shows for me. It's mildly entertaining serialized fare is sullied by the fact that if you have read any superhero comics in the past, it has a heavy been there done that thing going for it. That said, there's a sense of vindication seeing something so rooted in comic lore getting mainstream attention.

If you read monthly superhero comics, you've probably gotten used to the fact that each issue, when all is said and done is fairly short. How much can actually happen in 22 pages? This usually means stories are truncated, or drawn the hell out, overstaying their welcome. Ever since HEROES began airing, it has suffered the same fate. Sure, ever so often big things happen, but for the most part, every espisode seems to come and go, and I'm left questioning what really happened? Where were all the big pay offs that they promise each week during the "next week on Heroes" clip? Seriously, it seems like they are constantly advertising the "next" episode as "the one" episode I've been waiting to watch all season. The one hour of action not to be missed.

Speaking of action, or the lack thereof. In yesterday's flash forward, there were multiple scenes where you'd think we'd see some superheroes throwdown! The young suped up Petrelli bro. vs Sylar (sp?). Petrelli and Hiro vs a lobby full of SWAT team dudes. And did we get any action? No. Just a tease. Because seeing Mohinder hold the door closed while two super powered "heroes" duke it out is much more satisfying a climax. Thanks a lot NBC.

Sure, there are issues of budget, and dealing with prime time ratings and such. But if shows such as ALIAS and or 24 can have a bit of violence, shouldn't a fantasy show about superheroes have a little bit of action?

But then of I think, since I am supposedly of the comic reading contingent, perhaps the show isn't really meant for me. The show is meant for my mom, my cousin who reads Life and Style. People who's only contact with superheroes is wondering what Kirsten Dunst will wear in SpiderMan 3. Just like the Nintendo Wii is more for casual gamers and their parents, HEROES isn't meant for the hardcore.

Who am I to complain. I don't even read superhero comics.