Tuesday, April 29, 2008

As Slow As Possible

Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

The only time I've every thought to myself, "I wish I thought of that", is with this.

On Sept. 5, 2000, the slowest and longest concert EVER began in a church in Halberstadt, Germany. The musical number being performed is called ORGAN2/As Slow As Possible. Created by Avantegarde-ist John Cage, the entire musical performance will endure the better part of 639 years, ending in 2639.

There's a documentary out by the same name, following one dudes pilgrimage to witness a single note change in this piece. I have no doubt that eventually I'll do the same thing. I'll sneak in a minidisc recorder and bootleg that shit! haha



Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

I was watching some TV last night around 9:30pm, working on an illustration gig, when my lady and I heard a screech, and shouting outsde of our apartment on the 23rd floor. We live just outside of the busiest intersection in the city, also the most dangerous, so hearing accidents is pretty much par for the course. But we heard someone yell "freeze" and "put your hands up!" After grabbing my camera we ran to our window and saw something pretty awesome.

Two presumably undercover, unmarked black vehicles, and a police car had just pulled over a burgundy van. A handful of what looked like teenagers had assumed the "position", with a few policemen, the po po, the 5-0 surrounding them! Almost instantaneously, a few more police cars had entered the vicinity. Back up, I guess.

Rather than the quick book 'em Dano, lightspeed C.S.I. investigation type of takedown, what happened next was more akin to a drawn out police procedural scene, like in the The Shield , or The Wire . (all good shows. wait...not CSI)

The searched every "perp", and interviewed them individually, then after about 45 minutes of policing, they took two kids, let's call them the ring leaders of the gang, and took them somewhere. I'm guessing "downtown".

Eventually the scene dissipated, and two of the teens were left behind. Innocent?
I took some crappy video, and some pretty bad fotos with my weak ass CASSIO Exilim. It's actually a great camera, it's only failing is no zoom. But shoots great pics and video in point and shoot situations.

But, needless to say, it was actually pretty interesting to see this whole scene go down, even though it was a slow process. What was really interesting was how passersby, and other civilians would just go up to the cops and ask them questions and take pictures, while they were doing their job. One woman with a child let her kid run wild all over the scene while she spoke with one of the officers. WTF? Only one couple actually crossed the street to avoid the whole mess...

I'm not sure what I would've done, but I doubt I would've talked to the investigators while they were arresting a bunch of kids.

more interesting than actual TV, i must say.

Today, I searched for news about what happened, all I found was this, and it seems to match up with what we saw last night.


Monday, April 21, 2008

Irony, thy name is Gossip Girl. And Allison Mack.

Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

So, I just read that the CW website is no longer allowing fans of the show to watch GOSSIP GIRL( of which, yes, I'll admit I am a fan), online. Apparently, one could've watched the show via the www legally, rather than watching it on ye ol' television. A lot of shows are doing this, and I suppose it's the way of the future, but not the future of Gossip Girl. It seems as though the network is caving into pressure from online advertisers, and thus pulling any programs from the GG website.

This scenario is doused in irony, as the driving force of the show's narrative is the online ramblings of a blogger, and her effect on the social network of these Manhattan socialite type "teens".

Is this big news? Probably not as big as the news that Arthur Dela Cruz admits to being a Gossip Girl fan.

Now, I've never watched Smallville, and don't really know who Allison Mack is. Though I once consumed drinks next to her at a comic book convention party, which I guess isn't an event really worth mentioning. Nevertheless, I did notice that she's doing something kinda cool with her youtube account.

She seems to ask fans for input, whether it be art, a video, some writing or whatever, calling them "challenges", and then responds to them. I think. I just watched one post, and I think it's pretty awesome. Currently, she's asking fans to act out their favorite scene from a book/movie what have you, and submit a video of the scene. She says she'll do one in return.

I think this is very cool, and had I tons of adoring fans, I would totally do something similar.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

moving on up...

Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

...to the east side.

More like, a couple blocks south of where I live now-side.

I put in an application to rent a fancy pants condo-style apartment today. My girl, my two cats and I are outgrowing our one bedroom spot, so we are trying to upgrade to some swanky diggs. It's a really nice building, for an incredible price. It's a steal really. And I hate saying "it's a steal", really. The big kicker is that for a few hundred bucks more, our living space would practically double if we move into this place.

I say "if", mainly because we need to be approved before we can sign the lease. My fear is that my freelancing, sporadic money having ways, though great for me and my lifestyle, could work against us in this approval process. M'lady has a great steady job and makes mad cash, so we are hoping that is good enough for an apartment that I like to call "the ritz." (only in comparison to our current humble abode.)

In other news, this blog (mydestroyer.com) will be a place for more personal posts from now on. Any KISSING CHAOS news will be on the kissingchaos.com or tx.kissingchaos.com (the webcomic) site. I think I'll post it in the myspace blog as well... at any rate, I'm doing some shuffling around of blogs and news and personal posts and such. To sum up my update regiment:

NEW KISSING CHAOS COMIC (everythursday)-tx.kissingchaos.com

KISSING CHAOS NEWS-kissingchaos.com/tx.kissingchaos.com/myspace

ADC PERSONAL BLOG-mydestroyer.com

I'll probably feed everything into the blogger/livejournal sites as well... probably.

well, I'm off to work on my comic!



Monday, April 07, 2008


Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

I don't have a gaming rig. I have a laptop that I use primarily for work, but recently have had a hankering for some gaming. Without a video card in 2008, that's pretty much a losing battle. After some research and talking with friends, I discovered that the old Counter-Strike 1.6 can need not a graphics card or anything to run on a laptop. In fact, many old PC games have renewed life due to laptops that have no modern gaming architecture whatsoever.

So, last night I loaded Counter-Strike 1.6 onto my machine, and head out online to see what makes it the most played game in the world.

I am not good.

If anyone out there wants to play and help out a noob, drop me a line!


Friday, April 04, 2008

my blog has been o-blog-erated!

Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

Umm. I'm dumb.

In an effort to update my blog software to the newest version of wordpress, I did some crazy stuff that I have since blocked out of my memory. In this process I deleted my old blog, which used to be here at mydestroyer.com.

All was not lost, as I do repost most of my entries on different sites, such as the poorly maintained Kissing Chaos Myspace, as well as on a livejournal and blogger feed. Unfortunately all my posts and comments could not be saved, so, even the most recent comments (there was one on the southland tales post) have been lost. Also, all the "previously published" links on all these posts are now null and void. Sorry!

You live. You learn. I was going to update the wordpress files on my weekly KISSING CHAOS web comic, but now I'm thinking I'll leave well enough alone.

Anyway, the blog is running now, I guess better than ever? I welcome all feedback, and random chit chat via comments... I'm here everyday!



Choose your own adventure.

Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

okay. not really. More like, choose your own style.

I opened the floor up to the readers/fans to choose a film genre/style that I apply to an upcoming KISSING CHAOS:TIL I DIE installment. Basically, you can tell me whether you'd like to see Kissing Chaos done in the style of a western, horror (any kind), sci-fi, comedy, drama, 80's action, 90's Pulp Fiction rip off... whatever you can think of.

Whatever suggestion has the most requests, I'll use that style to tell a part of the KC:TID story.

After a few weeks, I've had a number of emails and a few comment posts here and there with suggestions. There is a clear front runner among the ideas I've recieved, but I'm keeping a lid on it till I close the phone lines, so to speak.

But I'm going to try and make this post (on mydestroyer.com) the official place to drop suggestions. So just comment here to let me know what style you want me to attempt!!



Thursday, April 03, 2008

All you comic are annotated to us.

Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.

I just went back into all the comic strips that I've uploaded on KISSING CHAOS:'TIL I DIE, and added story notes, commentary on art, character info and general thoughts to EVERY comic.

So whether you're new to KISSING CHAOS, or you're a seasoned veteran who needs to brush up on the series, there's tons of new info to help you, the reader wrap you're head around the first few chapters of KC:'TIL I DIE. I make a valiant effort not to spoil any of the print comics, or the future storylines in my notes. But I do try to relate how the KC:TID story fits into the saga with KC:Vol 1, KC:NSB and the two one shots that were released by Oni Press.

There's actually some tidbits of info that are brand new to even the old hard core KC fans, so get to reading (or re-reading!) and see this series in a whole new light!
