Sunday, December 30, 2007

Goodbye, Crueller World!

Originally published at You can comment there.

Allrighty. It's the end of the calendar year, 2007. We've made it. Pat yourselves on the back. I'm busy drawing up some free sketches for all y'all, so stay tuned, some of them may make an appearance on le blog.

It's year end, top ten list making time. As rarely am I critical enough to exclude anything from a list of things I like, I'll leave the list making to others. Here are a few of my fave year end lists!

1) All the game of the year lists at GAMETRAILERS.COM. I'm a huge gamer, and 2007 is definitely going to be remembered as one of the good ones. They have about 10 or so top ten lists covering every aspect of gaming, so check 'em out!

2) NOW MAGAZINE, one of Toronto's weekly rags has some nice top ten movie lists.

3) While on the subject of movies, has a list of the years best directorial debuts. Definitely give all these flicks a watch. I will, eventually...

And yeah, all other lists are bull plop.

Okay, I'll list some of my fave movies of the year. I see Children of Men appearing on many a list this winter, but that movie was released in 2k6, so I don't count it. Same goes for Pan's Labyrinth. I watch A LOT of movies, and seriously, for the life of me, I can't remember everything I've seen. So, there very well may be some awesome movies I saw in January, that I'll never recall. Anyway, here goes:

8) Zodiac

7)No Country for Old Men


5)Inland Empire



2)The Darjeeling Ltd.

1)Lars and the Real Girl

There are tons more that I know will be on this list, that I haven't seen yet, such as EASTERN PROMISES. So I may have to revise this list in a few weeks.

Hmm. I love music too much to even make a list.

Video games, umm, I can say as great as the Wii is, as a hardcore gamer, I'm disappointed in Nintendo. And I think Sony is going to destroy the 360 for the rest of this console war.
Rather than looking back at what was great in 2k7, all I can think of how awesome 2008 is going to be. CLOVERFIELD! METAL GEAR SOLID 4! A new Weezer album! More bands following Radiohead's lead! What more can you ask for?!

Be safe this new year!!


Friday, December 28, 2007

free art is on it's way... or will be shortly!

Originally published at You can comment there.

It's about 4am here in Toronto, so I'm gonna close the doors on the free art giveaway. Thanks to everyone who sent me an email yesterday! Mucho thanks for supporting KC, and I'm going to endeavor to get all the sketches done in the next week. There's a lot of drawing to do, so please bear with me!

I'll probably be doing this free art thing, or something or other thats just as fun from time to time, so keep on checking both this site, and my comic at!

Still in the holiday spirit, if you're a fan of Xmas carols, and guitar hero, have I the thing for you:

Hand Bell hero! It's actually kinda cool!


Thursday, December 27, 2007

free art giveaway for the new year!

Originally published at You can comment there.

Once again I bid you happy holidays. I did a small, little, nothing update on the KISSING CHAOS 'TIL I DIE comic this week. I'm a bit busy with the hanging with family and friends and what not that comes with the end of the year. And I figure the traffic on my websites will be super low, since everyone else is probably doing the same thing right about now.

But I do appreciate everyone who frequents my comic/blog, and in the spirit of holiday giving, I'm totally going to hook up all you hardcore KC fans. Drop me an email (my contact info should be easily found somewhere on or some time TODAY, DECEMBER 27TH 2007. Send me your contact info, and address, and if I get your email on the 27th (give or take a few hours), I'll send you a pen and ink sketch of the KC character, or whatever of your choosing! For reals, yo!

Hit me up with your info and you'll get some free art from yours truly!


Thursday, December 20, 2007

happy whatevs!

Originally published at You can comment there.

For all you KISSING CHAOS hardcores out there, Angela actually speaks in this weeks KISSING CHAOS:'TIL I DIE comic. OMG! Yes, OMG indeed. If you aren't a longtime fan, this means nothing to you. ;p

Hope all y'alls have a happy whatever you're celebrating this December. Personally, I'm kickin' it to some crazy mash-up of Filipino/Indian/commercial holiday goodness! So excuse the non comic (so called a dead Piro day in honor of megatokyo. what up Fred!) I posted this week. We will return to regularly scheduled programming presently!

I'll probably try to update over the actual time off days, and of course, will have a new comic up next thursday... hit me up! What do you want santa to give you for xmas? I'll see what I can do. heh.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

nana nah, na na nah.

Originally published at You can comment there.

I like songs with choruses that go:

Na na naah na na na
Na na naah na na na
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah

The holiday season has me feeling lethargic.

I took this photo at a venue in New York.


Monday, December 17, 2007

it's beginning to look a lot like...

Originally published at You can comment there.

We had "the worst snowstorm in 60 years" up here in the Toronto area over the weekend. I love it. Not to go all senior citizen on you, but when I was a kid, this was how winter was all the time. A foot of snow, and sub zero temperature, that's what I'm talking about.

Also, my lady loves to decorate, and our apartment is turning into a winter wonderland. Excuse the blurry photos:

And here is another subway portrait drawing!


Friday, December 14, 2007

Likes and Dislikes.

Originally published at You can comment there.


-watching:Joe Strummer the future is Unwritten/3 10 to Yuma/Cashback

-rewatching: Superbad

-Listening to: Elastica/Tilly and the Wall/Robyn

-knowing all my pregnant friends and loved ones delivered healthy babies during the past 2 weeks.

-replaying all the Metal Gear games in chronological order, in anticipation of MGS4's release in Q2 2008.


-weather that ruins all my plans

-watching: The Nanny Diaries


Another like:

Here's another subway portrait session:


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Je t'aime aujourd'hui, plus qu'hier, mais bien moins que demain.

Originally published at You can comment there.

A new KC: TIL I DIE is up! Check it! It ends the ZEROS and ONES chapter of the online comic. While some folks maybe scratching their heads, most KC verterans will know this type of storytelling is just par for the course. The various scenes that make up KISSING CHAOS don't build so much as a linear narrative, but are pieces to a puzzle. And I'm totally serious when I say it will all make sense in the end.

Zeroes and Ones was interesting (to me!) for a number of reasons. Yes, it is a pivotal moment in the KC story, but it was also a huge experiment in terms of art/writing for myself. In an effort just to keep myself interesting in the medium, I really want to push myself, and the comics themselves into new territory. So, my plan for this online comic is to play with all the basic. formal components of a "comic". Comics are built from a combination of panels, line art and type. I'm sure there are variations and it gets more complicated, but the very basic elements of a comic are the 3 aforementioned things. So I want to, umm, "mess" around with these components, and see what happens. Worst case scenario, I create something that's a mess. Best case, I create a different experience, and push comics beyond what they've become. Who knows.

So far, with my comics on TX, I've reduced the line art, and have put the focus totally on type. You tell me if that did anything for you. In this week's strip, PArt 2.6 of TIL I DIE, I blurred the line between word balloon and though caption. In the fourth panel, the character's dialogue and thoughts were presented as equal. I was aiming to create confusion, by colouring the girl's dialogue with her thoughts. I wanted to create confusion in the reader, so they can viscerally experience the confusion that the male character felt upon hearing the words. I could've just played with the font, or even the type, making it impossible to read, but I thought this would be more interesting.

Was it a success? Am I just talking out of my ass? Yes? No? I dunno. I'm just sick of comics they way they are, and want to play around... hopefully people will stick around for the ride.

I'm also thinking of taking a bit of a break during the holidays. So I probably won't update a full fledged comic strip over the next couple of weeks. But I WILL update... what? I dunno.

Here is yet another subway sketch session:


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

limbo no more...

Originally published at You can comment there.

One of the projects I've been chipping away at for about half the year, which I last described as being in limbo, is no more. Literally.

I got the call that a comic for the children's magazine OWL, that I had been developing with an editor for a number of months has been put on the chopping block. It's a bit of a blow, since the whole process has been full of positive comments, some good work has been created and it was just fun to do. However, I definitely had the sense during the development, that my writing for tweens was not quite ready for prime time. So, my jaw isn't on the floor with this decision. They did pay me throughout the creative process, so that was a plus, and a nice step up from developing an IP for a comics publisher.

A positive to come out of this, is that I do have a number of projects ready to pitch to other publishers! So, we'll see how that goes!

Here is another subway/train portrait session from my PDA:


working on the rail road.

Originally published at You can comment there.

I ride the train and subway into town all the time. ALL the time. More often than not, I find myself sketching portraits of random passengers, here are some of the results...

These are all done on my PDA. I kinda like the digitized low rez look, and have contemplated drawing a comic on there. I'll post a page everyday this week...


Sunday, December 09, 2007


Originally published at You can comment there.

I don't life draw too often anymore, and this past week I thought I'd jump right back in. I also figured I'd give a shot at drawing directly in ink... something I rarely, rarely do. Here are some of the results:


Thursday, December 06, 2007

listening for the sound of my only hope...

Originally published at You can comment there.

Okay, here's the thing. The comic I had originally planned for this weeks KISSING CHAOS 'TIL I DIE webcomic update turned out to be too big/long for the current online set up. So I had to split the comic into two parts, the first of which is online now. Unfortunately, without the end of the story, this comic looks and feels like a stall tactic. I apologize for this. Next week will be the true finale of the ZEROS and ONES chapter of TIL I DIE.

This of course also blows apart my plan for this weeks commentary. I was going to explains some artsy fartsy pretentiousness, and what I was trying to do with the past few weeks' comics. But that will have to wait till next week. Apologies again.

In other news, other writing gigs are starting to move forward, which is a huge stress weight off my shoulders. Also, the family crisis has been averted, and I'm a proud uncle of a healthy baby neice!

I've been accumulating digital sketches while I've been riding the subways lately, and I'll post those over the weekend!



Monday, December 03, 2007

life in general

Originally published at You can comment there.

I feel like I'm in limbo right now. Things are happening, and things aren't.

Workwise, the Writer's Strike in Hollywood is slowing up the process of some of the projects I've got going on. Also, the Korean re-writes I'm supposed to be working on are behind schedule. And there are a few things that I have been fairly lethargic about, so I'm my own worst enemy for that. (remember that song, "my own worst enemy"? I just looked it up on youtube and am listening to it as I type. ah, technology)

In life, things are just... I dunno. Not bad, not good. literally indifference is the order of the day? Confusion? If, we (I and you, loyal reader) were BFF, I'd totally fill you in with deets. But things are just...

Also, due to a bit of a family crisis, I'll be out of town for a day or two. Due to my sporadic updating on this blog, you probably won't notice a thing. But I will.

For some KC news, over the weekend I had some revelations about my creative process when creating my comic, and I think I'll edit and post it this thursday when I update KISSING CHAOS:'TIL I DIE. It'll totally sound pretentious. but whatevs. That's me I guess.

I gotsta give a shout out to Say Anything. An incredible band with a new kick ass record. I heart them. In particular, this tune:

Today I sat and smoked myself to cancer
Thinking about the dancer at the bar
Well how was I to know
That a crush could just implode
‘Til it became a grudge eclipsing every star

And yes I know my addictions run the gamut
The drugs, the smokes, the booze, the 24
But you can't make the turkey colder
Or skew me less bipolar
Let me list the things about you I abhor

Horrible, you're
So easy, Talk sleazy
You led me off the plank and left me queasy
And that is why
You can't rock my world

You swore that you were taken when I met you
But yes, you did undress me from afar
But since you'll concubine
You skip amongst the mines
Just a product of the endless, empty grind

You lack the curves that prove a proper lady
A slender slave with sluttish, sleepy eyes
Though once I was emoting
And Bono-lyric quoting
I have found another be my guest and die

With starry eyes, she's
Warm-glancing, entrancing
And now I'm through with all your sick, sad ranting
And that is why
You can't rock my world

I've lost you
And now I glide through the silky sky
It's so blue
And you're just old news
That is why
So screwed
Cadaver gone blue, this has died
And grown gangrene
And now I see right through your lies

Ripe wonder, I plunder
Her village now that I know I'll become her
And that is why
you can't rock my, that is why
that is why
You'll never ever ever ever ever ever in a god damn millennium
be my girl