Tuesday, December 15, 2009

drawing... daily, perhaps?

So, here's a little warm up ditty. I'm gonna be drawing everyday for the next little while, and I'll *try to post something err'yday. Word.

Also, I'm definitely leaning to extending my hiatus from TXcomics and Kissing Chaos:'Til I Die. I'll keep you posted.


Friday, December 11, 2009

I suck. and Ms. Hill

So, the last little while has been crazy busy for work, and just life in general. I had previously mentioned the return of my webcomic Kissing Chaos: 'Til I Die will occur at the top of 2010. Now, I'm thinking I might have to push that back. I *think*. I'm not sure...yet.

Also, I've started drawing again... it's been a few months since I actually sat down and really, really drew. And the results from last night's session kinda sucked. Hard. I may just post it later today to force myself to get better. Having it out there for public consumption might light a fire under my ass, make me pick up my bootstraps and get to drawing at my actual skill level. Cuz I got mad skillz, yo!

Also, I miss Lauryn Hill. Dude. Lady. Hip Hop needs you.



Wednesday, December 09, 2009

I'm not too old or too asian, apparently.


So, yesterday, on a whim, I went to an open call for extras to be the crowd in a music video for a Canadian indie/pop/rock/dance act. Seriously, how does one classify the New Cities?

Anywhoo, I arrived on set, which was at an indoor skate park in the heart of downtown Toronto called Shred Central. Of course it's called Shred Central. What else could it be? Immediately upon my arrival, I noticed one thing. I was the only guy. I also noticed that I was probably twice the age of all the girls aiming to be extras. To add insult to whatever, you could count the visible minorities in the room on one hand.

So, I figured when the casting director came around I would be kicked to the curb. I figured, I would totally be too old, and too asian to be in this video.

Much to my surprise, it was all a go.

The band set up shop at the top of a makeshift half pipe. And the crowd of adoring fans juked and jived along to the tunes while the New Cities mimed along. It was good times. The other extras were a lot of fun (apparently, I can hang with teenage girls like I'm one of their own), and it was *great* to hear the same song over and over and over. A song the title of which still eludes me. I don't really know the band. I saw them open for Katy Perry over the summer. Not my thing.

Anyway, the video was fun, there was a bit of acting for some people that involved a cat fight between a video ho/skank and a tatoo'd black clad rock chick. And what isn't improved by the addition of a cat fight? I can't think of anything...

I tried to sneak some pics during the shoot.






I'll definitely do this more. Seriously, it's a fun way to kill a day or two.


ps-yes, i'll get back to writing and drawing...

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


Just a quick sketch for something. Since November was the month of writing, so shall December be the month of drawing.

And most likely musicking.


Tuesday, December 01, 2009


So, yet again, I failed at keeping this blog going. The month of November flew by with barely any update from yours truly. But I wasn't resting on my laurels, that couldn't be further from the truth. Let me drop some bullet points on you.

-I went to Rome for a week. Took over 1500 photos.

-Wrote a screenplay to about 75% completion.

-I vanquished my foe known as NanoWriMo. Cranking out 50 300+ words in 30 days.

-Kept my webcomic with Jason Loo updated.

Um. And just lived life in general. It was good times. Pics and what not will be posted, porjects will be revealed. All in due time. Also, in dude time. Ha Ha. Sorry. I can't write anymore.

My NanoNovel is not finished... it's only about halfway there. It's a hybrid beast combining fiction, memoir and journal entries. It's not so much the story of my life, as it is a look at events that sort of shaped who I am... or the character that plays me. Basically it's the story of the Wal-Mart version of me. You know what I mean. A knock of, carbon copy, bargain bin approximation of an asian dude who writes and draws.

Anyway... this post was long overdue, and a new month means a slew of new deadlines. So. Here I go.

