Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Originally published at You can comment there.

I've been working on various freelance writing gigs, as I'm really trying to switch gears from being a writer slash artist, to more of just a writer. My goal is to have Kissing Chaos the only thing I have to draw, as doing freelance art really takes a lot out of me.

So in my quest to write more, I've recently completed a comic for Motorola. Corporate gigs pay mad cash compared to comics! ;). Due to the nature and tone needed for the project, I really changed up my style and wrote in a different voice. This comic was a super hero story in the style of the "animated series" style of comics/animation from DC. And I think for the most part I was successful in emulating that style of writing.

The funnny thing was the first time I saw the final artwork, which was a few weeks after I had finished writing the script, I barely recognized the writing. I totally thought the editors pulled rank and made changed to my script, as it didn't sound or feel like something I would write. So, I checked back on my scripts and realized they didn't change one word. I guess I was able to change my "voice" that much that I barely recognized my own work!

Yeah, I'm that good.


ps-after a bit of a haitus (having twin sons takes a lot out of you!) I'm planning to get back into the swing of things concerning KISSING CHAOS til i die. Oct 30th looks like the day I'll get the ball rolling again. Any more cliche catch phrases I should throw in...?

Thursday, October 09, 2008

order of the day

Originally published at You can comment there.

So, it's been just over a month since my twins came into my life. Since then, I've been neglecting my intenets... badly. I plan to finally dust off ye old webcomic, and get it going next week. Among other things, I need to revamp the old myspace as well as the KC store, as I'm pretty much out of stock on all fronts.

Anyway, I'm gonna try and get some 'ish done! Stay tuned!

Also, saw Eagle Eye. Meh. Henry Poole, meh-ish, but not as meh as Eagle Eye.

yeah, I know. Quite the boring post. I owe you one!
