Thursday, April 27, 2006

it's black! it's white! na na na...

I've been working on some MonoType prints, that I hope to sell off at this weekend's Convention in Toronto. I'll post them here once they are done. If they prove to be popular, I'll probably make others and sell them on this site!

I've always gotten requests for original art, and since I mostly finish up my work with some sort of digital process, it's rare that I can offer "finished" original art, other than in pencil form. With the MonoType printing process, I can create one of a kind prints in ink, that have a great look and rich texture. I think the one of a kind thing will appeal to collectors.

Anyway, I've also been checking out this show called BLACK.WHITE. I heard about it through the grapevine, and downloaded all the available episodes. Produced by ICE CUBE (yes, the rapper slash actor), the docu/reality show follows two families that move in together, a white and a black family. The twist comes in when through the magic of makeup transform into each other's respective races. Everyone gets to experience life as another race, and when they come home at the end of the day, they discuss their experiences.

Fascinating. Funny. Frustrating. It's awesome. I'd love to see this experiment take place in various cites across the world, and with different races. I won't go into any details, as I think everyone should check out this show. I do think thus far the show seems a little biased against the white family. Not the family as a whole, just the parents. Their daughter comes across pretty smart and open, but the parents seem like they live in a bubble. Of course, I've only seen the first two episodes, so I'm sure things could change.

Check it out!


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

appearing live, at a convention near you!

If you live in Toronto or New York, that is...

Yes, convention season is upon us. The past few years every summer becomes a grueling on tour like whirlwind for those who have a foot in the comic industry. We make appearances in various towns, sign comics, do commissions and pimp our wares, and yes, our work schedules and deadlines suffer. But it's well worth it, because we get to party all night and hang with our peeps.

It was fun for a while. Now I'm just tired of the conventions. Maybe, again, I'm getting old, but I just want to relax. MY party days were great, but, whatever. There's more to life out there. And plus, I'm tired of the comic industry. It's the Titanic, sort of.

Anyway, if you are in the Toronto area this weekend, I'll be at the Paradise Toronto Comic Con. I'm still sort of "taking it easy" after my stay in the hospital, so I do believe I'm only going to be at my table on the Saturday, and possibly Sunday. So come to the show, enjoy some comics, and get some original sketches from me this weekend! I think I'll have some new shirts for sale too.

Next up on my '06 Tour, will be in NYC. On June 10-11, I'll be at MoCCA. That's a great indie show. It's my first time actually having a table there, so I'm pumped! I think I'll have a new KISSING CHAOS mini comic, and who knows what else I'll have cooked up!

Finally, at the beginning of Sept., I plan to be at the HobbyStar Comic con, once again, in Toronto. I should be there all 3 days. I plan to have a MY DESTROYER preview book, plus other goodies. It's going to be cool! More details will surface as the time nears.


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

turn it off!

Okay, so I've already failed at doomed attempt of participating in TV Turoff Week. Can you blame me? It's almost Sweeps, and the playoffs are on everyday!

If you have yet to hear of this social movement, it's basically something to motivate people to get out of the couch potato rut. Encouraging people to turn off the TV, go outside, commit some graffiti- I mean, "activism", read a book, interact with other people, and basically get off your ass. I like the concept, as I do think we- as a people- need to get out more and actually participate in the world. TV can be an opiate, and I'm sure that's the very plan behind many of the media giants who run things. However, I don't think TV is evil, and we need to strive for a balance of some sort. I usually find the time to watch a bit of TV, read multiple books, play some video games, create some art, pay the bills, hang out with friends all on a pretty much daily basis.

So I don't feel TV needs to be eliminated, but that's probably not the point behind the week long turn off TV. Unfortunately, the concept of turning off the TV for a week is probably foreign to many people out there, and they need a week to help them realize that there are other things that they could do with their time...

At any rate, I applaud people who can do it, and are doing it. Sure, I can turn off the boob tube, but if I download all the shows that air this week, am I missing the point?

And no, I'm not addicted to TV. Shut up!!!


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Monday, April 24, 2006

the rat race beckons...

We'll, my doctor sanctioned "vacation" of sorts has come to an end. If I don't include my luxurious stay at the fancy hotel where I had 24 hour service from women in uniforms, where they kept my veins full of morphine, fed my bland food and took my blood every morning... not to mention how they packed my nasal cavity with crap to stop my incessant bleeding... uh, okay... I'm getting off track, here.

Not including my 5 days in the hospital, I essentially took a week and a half off from working. I just read, watched tons of movies (be on the look out for some reviews by me!), and got caught up on my video-gaming. (I'm playing Grandia III now! Loves it!) But now, the time for all out relaxing is over, as I venture back into the workforce. As I contribute to society once again, as much a contribution as a comic artist/writer can make, in any case.

Thanks to everyone who sent emails, well wishes payers what have you. I appreciate all the support. And I'll get the updates on this site rolling, better than ever. And the new KC stuff is just around the corner! So be on guard!


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Thursday, April 20, 2006


I think my server is haunted.

In the last few months, I've been problems with posting on this blog. On occasion I get "internal errors" with vague explanations as to what's wrong. Of course, the reason for the error must be my doing; perhaps I didn't configure the cgi files correctly on the server. Bullshit! Between the times my posting does not work, and the moments where they do, I never touch the cgi inner workings of the blog.

Here's where it gets weird.

I was trying to post my "the cat guy" post yesterday,(since posted on my blogger/livejournal feeds), but for some reason it wouldn't work on this page. Try as I might, at multiple times during the day, in an effort to see if it was just a server issue that had been rectified, my post would not, umm, post!

So this morning I decide to give it another go, and get the same error message. On a whim, I attempt to post the message you see below, detailing that I'm having technical difficulties. Lo, and behold! It worked!

Could the server problems have been fixed that very instant? Just a minute after my previous post was denied? So I go to edit the "technical difficulties" post, inserting "the cat guy" message in its place. ERROR!

WTF? Why won't this one post, post?? Why will another message work like a charm? Is the server being picky? Is there some apparition haunting the server and its CGI files, playing god with the messages I want to post?

Again.... if this post works, it was just luck of the draw!


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

the cat guy...

So, I finished the PS2 game, Shadow of the Colossus the other day. It was great. One of the best games I've played in a while. Now I'm moving onto Grandia III. I love that series, and I've been aching for a Japanese style RPG for a while.

The thing is, ever since I've played SotC, I've been seeing my cats in a different light. I keep staring at them, and picturing a little tiny dude climbing up them, and trying to attach them. (Which is what you do in the Colossus game, only it's not cats, it's giant behemoth monsters made of stone.)

Yes, it's an inevitability. I'm destined to become that cat guy.


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

the second season

Now, if you were one of my close friends, or just knew me a little, it would come as no surprise that I'm so not the jock type. I'm not one for going to the sports bar on superbowl sunday, downing a pitcher of booze and a pound of wings. In fact, one quick look at me will probably speak volumes of how un-jock like I am. Except...

Yes, there's one exception. Much like the bad song from the South Park flick, I blame Canada. You might be able to guess where this is going. There must be something in the water up here, north of the border, because I love Hockey. The only sport I ever played by choice, an the only sport I watch, again by choice. Now, I'm not hardcore to the point where I know every player's name, or actually care about the stats and what not, but I love the game. And I love this time of year, because what they call the second season is about to begin. Playoffs.

Sadly, my hometown team did not make the cut this year. It was a close battle, and they barely missed a playoff birth by mere points. Nevertheless, it's a bitter sweet springtime for Toronto Maple Leaf fans.

Anyway, so please forgive me in advance if I digress into a babbling hockey fan for the next month. I hate the concept of guilty pleasures, as I don't think we should ever apologize for what makes us happy... so I'll allow myself this one adrenaline fueled indulgence.


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Monday, April 17, 2006

addicted to curry...

So I'm Still on my sort of vacation. A little doctor prescribed RxR. I avoiding creating any art last week, but I'm getting back on the wagon today, and I'll start uploading that stuff soon. I'm anxious to get the new KC comics online, but I'm taking it one day at a time.

Ate some great homemade curry over the weekend (Thai style). But I used store bought green curry paste. After doing some research, I'm thinking of gathering the appropriate ingredients and creating my own curry!

Anyway, enough of my culinary exploits. I'm currently watching season 3 of Millennium. It's still in my humble opinion one of the greatest shows ever, despite the third and final season being a step down from the near perfect season 2. I can't recommend Millennium enough!

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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Friday, April 14, 2006

at least who ever is holding me down isn't kicking anymore....

A few days ago, as I was first coming back from the hospital, I felt fine. Well, sort of. Aside from sore arms from numerous blood tests, and a momunmentous headache from having the insides of your face packed with crap for almost 96 hours, I felt pretty much normal.

But just walking around, and riding shotgun in a car was making me feel ill. I could barely lift the grocery bag that held my personal effects, without the sensation that I was straining against a 30 pound barbell. I was moving in slow motion. I felt like someone was holding me back, forcing me on the ground.

A few days later, I feel much better. I wouldn't say 100%, but I don't feel a ghostly apparition leaning on me. I guess the 4 days of apathy, sitting in a hospital bed are slowly wearing off.

Anyway, I'm still here. Trying to relax. Again, Doctor's orders. Which is the strangest thing. How do you "try" to relax? That's got to be in some way oxymoronic, right? I mean, one can stop doing anything, and just lie there, but does that constitute relaxing? The minute I drop everything and just make an attempt to be chill, my mind starts racing as to if I'm being chill enough.

Maybe I just need a shrink.

I have not touched a pencil or brush to paper, or Wacom to tablet in about a week, since I was admitted to the hospital. I figure I should get back on that soon. I've been avoiding anything work related, as my veiled attempt at relaxing. So my time has been preoccupied with watching movies, reading and PS2.

Shadow of the Colossus. I know a review of this game right now would be a bit belated, but it's awesome. By no stretch of the imagination a complete game, but a very innovative demo of what could be a mind blowing game! I say this, mostly because the game is a series of boss battles, and that's it. Sure there's some light platforming here and there, but when you boil it down, it's a game that just you against end level boss types. And once you figure out the mechanics of the game, and how you bring these behemoths to their demise, there isn't too much guess work involved. So, I hesitate to say this is a complete game, by current industry standards and conventions, but don't let that stop you from picking this bad boy up. I would recommend Colossus over any complete game out there today. The gaming experience is second to none. It's just different. It's beautiful. Every aspect of the game is so deliberate in it's intent and execution. The only gripe I have is with the camera. The in game views are very good for the game play, and it's never a hindrance. But when you try to control the camera, to get a different view of the action, it's not very responsive. And I would love to be able to view this game from different angles as I'm playing. I would love to edit together one of the battles as if I was editing a movie, because it would look that amazing. This game looks and plays great. I just wish there was more to it.

But who knows, the folks behind Colossus are probably hard at work on a next gen sequel, which would be good, having essentially maxed out the PS2's resources. But I love games that are created in the final year or two of a console's life cycle. They are usually the games that push it too the limit graphically, which is always good. But by the time developers have a few years of designing for a console under their belt, they often begin experimenting in gameplay. It's like have free reign to do what they please, because that period of making conventional games that have guaranteed success in terms of sales is over. It's in these twilight years of a console that game creators can let loose and have a little fun.

Kinda makes me rethink the way I approach creating my work.


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

can you say, weekend from hell?

So, it has finally happened.

I've gone through my life, relatively incident free. I few weeks ago I would've added a "thus far" in there somewhere. A few days a go, I would joke with my friends about how I've never stayed in a hospital, ever, and how I'm sure I've got mine coming. I've seen friends get sick and heal up, had family do some time in the emergency room for this and that, but never had that experience myself. But as of thursday last week, my time had come.

It's a long, ugly story, involving bad doctors and multiple trips to the emergency room, (not in anyway as fast paced and exciting as the TV show paints it), finally getting admitted to the hospital, and enduring 4 days of pain. And with my release just yesterday, no real closure on what made me ill., as it's something I'm going to be dealing with for the rest of my life.

I won't go into detail about what was/is wrong with me, as those sobs stories are a dime a dozen. I won't go into the politics of the Canadian Health Care system, because that's another story. All I can say, is I'm still here. Alive. Kicking. (though not literally kicking, as I'm sure that's not what the doctors had in mind by telling me to take it easy for a month or so).

At any rate, I'll do my best too keep y'all informed, and if it seems like I'm not here as often, it's most likely on doctor's orders, and I haven't forgotten about Kissing Chaos, or it's fans! I'll be back soon!


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Friday, April 07, 2006

are you kidding me?

Sorry I didnt post anything yesterday, and I should probably apologize in advance for some sporadic posting for the next couple of days.

I was in the hospital for the better part of yesterday. And then again in the middle of last night. It's nothing majorly serious, but suffice it to say, it looks like I'm falling apart in my old age. And apparently, I have to "take it easy" for a while... doctors orders!

Fear not, new KC stuff is just around the corner. I'll be in touch!


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

the struggle pt. 4

The struggle part 4.

So, over the course of the past year or so, I've been chipping away at this SWEET NOTHINGS story. Without a definite goal of where it will end up, and no one forcing me to get it done, I had effectively dug myself quite the hole. All I knew is that there was a story wanted to tell from the outset, when I started KC, and as cool as it was to have a few TPBs out, it became increasingly clear that I wouldn't be happy until the entire KC story that has been kicking around in brain, since the end of high school, was out there, for the public.

When I had sort of "moved on" from Oni Press, I began searching for another publisher, someone to take the KC from me and bring it to the masses. Years of going to conventions, talking with numerous publishers, and even a few offers to publish KC later, and I still didn't feel comfortable with any publishers in the North American comic industry. I toyed with the idea of going abroad, and having it published in Europe, as translated version of the book have done well overseas. But nothing really stood out to me, as a company that really could do what I wanted.

Around this time, I realized that some of the most interesting and progressive comics out there were online comics, and totally indie mini-comics and zines. It didn't strike me at first, but after becoming frustrated with the state print comics in the world, I decided that going online was really the best thing for me, and the best way for KC to be produced completely on my terms.

Though, at this point, I just didn’t start pumping out the KC online, unfortunately I've had to earn a living, and starting up an online comic really won't pay the bills at first. For most of 2005 I juggled writing and drawing my own projects and working freelance as an artist. As I've documented before, by 2006 I had grown weary of this, and put my foot down. No more freelance until I can get a good chunk of my own work completed first! I guess that's my 1 point manifesto.

So the past few months I've been trying to compile a myriad of notes that I've accumulated over the past few years. Scouring all my sketchbooks and notebooks where I've jotted down dialogue and ideas has been fruitful, yet some notes that I do remember taking, and have vague recollections as to their content, have been forever lost. I'm a little saddened by this, but I guess it was meant to be.

I plan to finish up the "writing" process of SWEET NOTHINGS by the beginning of May. This month as well I'm working on testing out different art styles, that I want to employ in the story, and I'll be uploading those as I go...


the struggle pt. 1/the struggle pt. 2/the struggle pt. 3

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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

like toy soldiers...

In the 20s, it was Jazz. In the 50's it was Rock. In the 60s, Soul. In the 70s and 80s, Punk, Disco, and Metal took shape. It seems every generation has a genre of music that permeates it's culture and defines the times. As we traverse this new millennium, we are in a new era of contemporary music. And it's name is Hip-Hop.

I can remember a day when Rap music was on the fringe, and if you were into that scene, you weren't "normal". And back then, being different, or "alternative" was not a badge of honor like it is today. If you weren't dressed in polka dot shirts and belting out Bon Jovi, you were just, weird.

Oh, how times have changed. Sure there are segments of the music loving public that still regard those who love rap music as less than zero, but one survey of our mainstream pop culture will attest to Hip-Hop's sovereignty. Some of the most die-hard indie/underground music fans I know can spout the hook to whatever rap song is currently reigning the charts. I've seen friends who used to make fun of hip-hop now say they are into the Beastie Boys, or Kanye West, as if it gives them more cred as true music aficionados. It's like saying "my best friend is (insert any race here)", when accused of being racist.

Anyway, what really blew me away the other day, the thing that really shows that Hip Hop culture will be synonymous with our times, this decade was the emergence of the Narnia Rap Battle.

Now I've seen it all. I think every last aspect of hip-hop culture has been bastardized in some way or another.

It all started with an SNL skit, that turned into a viral hit on the internet. Two dudes rapping about watching the Chronicles of Narnia and other junk. This has spawned many parodies, of something that was a parody itself. Some guys from the west coast, the mid west, and even the UK have gotten into this mock hip hop battle. It's pretty funny, but then again, I love hip hop.

Check out You Tube and do a search, I'm sure all these Narnia battle raps are easy to find.

Let's just pray that they learned a lesson from what happened to Biggie and Pac, and they keep the banging on wax.


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz

Monday, April 03, 2006

back in the day

I watched North Country over the weekend. It had it's moments. Some powerful emotional moments. I suppose it might be a stretch for me, a dude, to relate to the story, which is mainly about women's rights, but at the core of the movie, it's about the underdog. Without trying to take anything away from the hardship and eventual triumph for women portrayed in the movie, I think anyone who has been truly held back solely for an aspect of their being that was beyond their control, such as gender/race/class, can empathize with the characters of North Country.

And as much as think the hollywood embellishments, the pushing and pulling of the story for dramatic effect, were designed to cause specific reactions in the audience, I'm quite certain the depiction of situations and treatment of women only 30 years ago was fairly accurate. It boggles the mind that this most definitely continues to occur today. (mainland China, I'm looking at you! Just jokes! Ha ha! My best friend is Chinese!);)

This is one of those movies that I believe need to be made every so often. You know, the whole history repeating thing. I definitely recommend this one!


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All text (c) 2006 Arthur Dela Cruz