Sunday, September 30, 2007

i talked.

Originally published at You can comment there.

Something I don't do often, or do very well for that matter. I talked.

This past sunday was Word on the Street. A nifty street festival that celebrates all things printed. Books, magazines and comics, and even etc. I had the privilege of talking at a panel/presentation about comics with my buddy Tyrone McCarthy. We basically gave our two perspectives on the comic creation process, as well as myself being published by a, uh, publisher, and Tyrone who is self published. The moderator, local Toronto media legend Sean Ward, asked some interesting questions about the state of print vs web comics and the comics scene in Toronto, which kept the panel lively.

I went step by step over the process of the most recent KC: Til I Die comic strip. Which is something I've only done in the KC Vol.1 trade. Much thanks to all the people sitting in the crowd. It seemed like most of you were somewhat entertained. ;p

The turnout for the festival seemed pretty good. And it's nice to see corporate sponsorship bringing the caffeine dependent.

It was set partially on a busy street near the University of Toronto, and in a nice little place called Queen's Park. It was nice to hav ethe hustle and bustle of the street contrasting the serene park. I saw a crowd of people playing fetch with some random stray dog. Oh those hipsters.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Finishing the fight with a new KC comic!

Originally published at You can comment there.

I don't have an xbox360, but after killing some Covenant ass on co-op mode on my buddies 360, I MUST have one! The multiplayer advancements are totally next gen. People will be playing this game for years. Graphically it's a nice improvement, and is definitely next gen as well, but is it the cream of the crop. Hardly. But it's good. The gameplay is pretty much the same, with some new additions like the use equipment button, which I always forget about in the midst of a gun fight, but it's all good. Halo 3 is fierce!

Oh, yeah, there's a new KISSING CHAOS: 'TIL I DIE online today. Check it. I also did an interview with Jen Contino at the Pulse!

This week has been crazy, and will culminate with me appearing at the Word on the Street Festival this Sunday in Toronto. I am speaking on a panel at 4:30. I have very little info other than that, but if you are in Toronto, you should check out this festival. Support reading!

I'll post a commentary on this weeks comic tomorrow. As well as any more deets I can find about my appearance this weekend!



-ps- I've been playing my regular Xbox, and it just died... so maybe I'll be purchasing a 360 sooner than I think. But I was in the middle of playing Splinter Cell: Double Agent, and may lose my save game! Is there any way to send the saves over to the 360? Woe is me.

Monday, September 24, 2007

like endless rain into a paper cup...

Originally published at You can comment there.

After a summer of anticipation, Across the Universe finally opened to a wide release this past weekend. I was totally crispy to see this one. Great cast, great director. Lest we forget, great music.Now, I'm not the hugest Beatles fans, though I do dig a lot of their work. I can definitely appreciate what they've done for popular music, and for this movie. Walking out of the theatre, I was conflicted. I wanted so much to adore ATU, and enjoy it I did. There was a part of me that just wasn't convinced that this was a good "movie". Yes, it was an experience, and it had many moments of awesomeness, but strip away the musical aspect, and the high production values, that in part, you must agree, was sorta gimmicky, and what are you left with? If story is the backbone of film, was ATU suffering from scoliosis?I couldn't help but wonder how much of the emotion in what I had just seen can be credited soley to the Beatles music that ran through the entire film. Were there actual characters and a story, or just cardboard cutouts and a derivative plot line?

Probably. But the music made up for it, and wasn't that the plan all along?

In other news, I totally missed out on the Family Guy Star wars thing, though I did catch the last scene where they mentioned that Robot Chicken did the same thing earlier this year. Funny stuff.

I heard the new show CHUCK premiered last night. From what I've learned thus far, it looks like a rip off/homage of Johnny Mnemonic.

Lemme know if you watched it!!!


Saturday, September 22, 2007

the real feed...

I just realized the last post didn't make it here in all it's glory. This blogger feed of course is just a pirate signal of my one true blog to rule the world, MY DESTROYER dot com.

Head on over there for full bloggyness.


no sleep for the...

Originally published at You can comment there.

Am I weary?

Yesterday, or rather early this morning I had found myself awake for 24 hours straight. Whthfxupwtdat? I didn't even feel tired! And here I thought we actually need sleep. It's all lies, told by the man to hold us down!

Maybe I've ran out of dreams.

Oh, yeah, this past Tuesday I was able to see one of my fave bands ever play again in Toronto. Rilo Kiley! I hearted it! I took some pics and some video. I really do think there's no contest that they are my most beloved band, of at least the last decade of my life. Their new CD Under the Blacklight (notice how in the photo, they are literally under the black light? Genius!) has gotten some sketchy reviews. Maybe I'm biased, but I see it as a natural progression. There are elements from both Jenny and Blake's solo efforts represented on the new disc.

My one lament is that they are on a major label now, and virtually every magazine cover out there. And it's not that whole, I want them for myself, and they should never be (even more) popular sort of thing. I wish for them every success that that comes their way! It's just as they attract larger crowds, they will have to graduate to larger venues, and given the brand of mellow indie cum country via pop folk rock that they play, it'll most likely be a sit down venue. And I hate those places. I want to be up close and personal with the community and the band. I want to feel the blood sweat and tears as they play. I want to dance.

Alas. The kick drum in this video I took sounds like an 808! And I'm totally too short to be doing this sort of thing...


Friday, September 21, 2007

new transmission...

Originally published at You can comment there.

Geez. I'm trying to post more than once a week. But as an experiment, (for me at any rate) I'll try to post every weekday this week until the next update. If this goes well, I'll do my best to keep it up! The past few months have been crazy busy, and pretty rough. I'm definitely looking forward to a nice quiet fall.

Speaking of which, today I believe is the first day of autumn, and of course my apartment building decides that on this momentous occasion that no one needs any air conditioning. So about halfway through the day yesterday, I started sweating buckets while working at home. I thought I was taking crazy pills because the A/C was at max, yet I was still boiling! It's nice that the building doesn't take into consideration that Toronto still has one last blast of summer weather at the end of September...

Anyway, I posted a new comic up on Transmission-x. This one introduces Ashley. As I may have mentioned before, I getting a bit weary of these intros. I think it's taking too long to get to the actual story part of KC: 'Til I Die. But I think this is a necessary evil, as I'm using this time to sort of figure things out on the art side of things. Again, this week I think resolution is the culprit. The line quality is not quite where I want it to be. I'm going to try a wider pen size (I'm working digitally here) for the next week, and we'll see. And as usual, character consistency is still the bane of my existance.

For some behind the scenes action, here is what my digital page looks like before I start compositing it into an actual page:

see you here tomorrow! or maybe monday!


Friday, September 14, 2007

nerding around...

Originally published at You can comment there.

This has been a rough week. In order to maintain some semblance of sanity, I've begun at long last playing Splinter Cell: Double Agent. It's dayum good! I love that series, and the perfect controls are a welcome change from the randomness that is RE:4 on the Wii. I'm looking forward to Assassin's Creed, and I an only dream that I'll have enough money to get a PS3 come november. I'm such a fan of Ubisoft's games, and not just because of Jade Redmond.

I'm a nerd.


new comic thursday and Evil Dead the Musical!

Originally published at You can comment there.

Yes. Burn it into your brain. New KC comic online every Thursday. Hopefully I won't fuck it up.

Shoot 'em Up was weird. I think I liked it, though at this point I'm sure it'll require multiple viewings. Giamatti (sp?) was incredible as usual. I usually dig his work, even that fairytale style movie by Shamalamadingdong. Yes, I'm being rude. It was Lady in the Water. Shyamalan (sp?) Clearly I'm too tired to spell check. My apologies to M. Night. But I do dig his movies. Was Giamatti (sp?) even in that one?

I put up a new comic yesterday, which was Thursday. Today is friday. It went through multiple stages of breakdowns. At first it was going to take place at a bus stop, with Kim bagging on some hipster girls. Then I wrote all these character intros to happen at a party, so that changed the scene. The next version of the strip was broken down and roughed, but I wasn't feeling it. Then I got this cool idea of doing a tableau with my characters, and just panning the camera across a still scene, with the dialogue running overtop.

Time was not on my side, and this effect was poorly constructed. I'll keep trying for the remainder of the character intros. I was inspired to do a tableau by a scene in the new Halloween flick, where there something that looks like a tableau, but it could very well have been a still frame. But I loved it. Also, I find it could be interesting to play with the passage of time, and viewing one moment from multiple angles, essentially dissecting it via visuals and dialogue. That is sort of what I've been doing with KC all along, so attempting this directly with the art will be interesting. This is also partly inspired by either Cubism, or Dada, I'm not sure. More on that later...

I saw Evil Dead: The Musical last weekend. It was incredible. Funny. Great songs, and as a true tip of the hat to the cast, I actually suspended any comparison with this Ash, to that of Bruce Campbell. He was that good. I caught the very last performance of this engagement, but if it ever runs in Toronto again, or in any other city, I highly recommend checking it out!


Thursday, September 06, 2007

To more accurately reflect the varying grotesqueries of your nature...

Originally published at You can comment there.

The new KC:-Til I Die strip is out. Check it. I'm kinda getting ansy with these introductions. I totally want the actually story to get going, but those of you who have never read any KC before, may be totally lost, as there are two volumes of stories that may be referenced in the new comic. (See how I said "may be". I'm so mysterious.)

I'll try to limit the introductions to the most main of characters, so there should only be about 4 more weeks, then the narrative will begin in earnest. I'll continue to experiment with the art and what not, so hopefully if you're familiar with the characters in the story, the comics will still be of interest.

I wish I could say it was easy trying to distill the key character traits of a person in less than 6 panels... but I can't. The last two weeks I've introduced Eric and Jersey from KC Vol.2. I'm not sure if I did the varying complexities of their character any justice, since I only had them essentially speak one or two lines of dialogue. It is definitely a fun challenge nonetheless.

Here are the original breakdowns, and roughs of this weeks comic. I was re-watching the Matrix, and the Matrix Reloaded as I created the art, which really carries no relevance at all to my work. I just like the Matrix, and am not afaid to admit it... ;)

I'm super excited for Shoot 'em up, which comes out tomorrow.
