Thursday, January 29, 2009

25 more to go...

Perhaps I think manifestos commanding grand sweeping change in one's life to be an exercise in futility, or I'm just a pussy... but I don't feel like posting my manifesto at this time. Sorry, folks. I get the feeling that with this 'festo, my mouth could be writing checks that my body couldn't cash.

And I firmly believe that actions speak louder than words, so I'll let my actions do the talking.

So, you know how a few years ago, the TV show LOST (of which, I'm loving the new season), pretty much laid out all their plans for the series? I'm guessing because of their hyper convoluted story lines and perhaps a dip in the ratings, the network wanted to hold the creators of the show accountable for the beautiful mess they had created. Essentially, they wanted assurance that the show had a point, an ending, and the writers weren't just flying by the seats of their pants.

Sure, I'm no JJ Abrams, or who ever is the puppet master behind Lost, but Kissing Chaos is quite the oblique piece of work. The web comic 'Til I Die is specifically non linear, and at times could be more of a chore than entertainment.

Rest assured, I have an ending, and recently cemented the entire story. I have written down what will happen in each and every "weekly" update from now until the story is complete.

A week ago, the story required about 32 weeks to finish. But I really want to get this story out and finished, so I pared that down to about 25 weeks.

So there. You can expect 25 more updates to this current arc of Kissing Chaos, before the next one begins. The following arc will be a direct sequel to KC: volume 2.



Wednesday, January 21, 2009

writing a manifesto, sending a telegram

So, I've written a manifesto. I suppose it could be misconstrued as a New years resolution, but, whatever. I don't really care.

I'm still sort of marinating on it, so I'm hesitant to post it, as it does in a huge way affect how I'm going to tackle work, and my creativity for the next little while, and this all of course will affect KISSING CHAOS and how it will manifest (ah, hence, manifesto!)

So, I really want to make sure it's the truth before I commit it to the old interweb. cuz you know, anything you read on the net is true, right?

Anyway, I'm finding more hours in the day to get work done, so Kissing Chaos should return to the net soon.



Wednesday, January 07, 2009


so, yeah.

I'm trying to update all my webspaces, and I'm just lazy, as evidenced by the new

Man, I remember when I used love web design. Not sure what happened.

I still plan to customize ye 'ol myspace page, and I'm going to attempt to give my twitter page a facelift as well. by the by, I'm getting way more active at microblogging, so follow me @twitter

I also feel this sort of ennui towards my web comic. Don't get me wrong, I'm deeply enamored with Kissing Chaos, and I really, really want to get the story out there. I think I'm getting tired with the comic format. I've been experimenting with how I use the standard comic model/format while working on KISSING CHAOS:'TIL I DIE on the Transmission-x website. And while I'm no master, a far cry from a Dave McKean or Paul Pope am I, I still can't help but feel my stories are limited by traditions and norms of sequential art. Or more precisely, limited by my grasp of the sequential arts...

That said, I'm still endeavoring to get a new comic up at least every other thursday, but I am working on series of animated shorts for an upcoming story arc of KC: 'Til I Die.

more on that later....


Thursday, January 01, 2009

fare thee well, 2008

so, I attended too many funerals in 2008 to say that it was a spectacular year. but the birth of my twin sons will ensure that this past year will always be an important one in my life.

I've got big things poppin' (T.I.) for 2009, hopefully all these projects will see fruitiion. Everything is very promising right now, and I can't wait to share with the world what's the haps.I'll be better at the whole blog and online thing this time around. Last year was a bit of a bust, because going from zero to two kids can be quite the harrowing task.

My online comic paid the highest cost, but I'll get that going again soon. Plus, I've got something even bigger and better planned for KC, so this year is going to be cool!

Like I always say, stay tuned. But this time, I mean it maaaan...


"roads, where we're going, we don't need roads."