Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Speeed Paaiiinnt

Did you know I love GLEE???? This is so my new karaoke jam. Watch for it. And hearing Santana finally sing on this track was total doves cry shit! Love it.

An by the by. To me, when doves cry, it's both beautiful and heartbreaking. Yes. I'm that complicated.

So, the burlesque show thing last friday was awesome. I was wondering if I could take photos during the show, but alas, despite numerous camera's flashing lights, I was too chicken to whip out the iphone and take a few snaps. And besides, I was there to draw!

I did a few portraits of people in the crowd, and pocketed some cash, which was fun. Also, did a few doodles of the hot broads doing their thing onstage. Good times all in all.

My plan is to take the sketches I did at the show and "finish" them digitally. You'll see them here, online. On blog.

I'm also getting my hustle on this week. I'll have a new print, and a new zine for TCAF, which is in less than two weeks. If I can work my ass off, the zine will be a square bound collection of comics and art I've done over the past year. If I just make it in the nick of time, it will be a saddle stapled book. Either way, full of awesome.

The book will be called THROES Vol.1.

I've been doing a lot of work for this video game company as of late, which is mad fun! I'm really getting a hang of this concept art, speed painting thing. Here are a few examples that were done in mere minutes. I'm pretty happy with the end results. Clickity click to blow them suckers up!



Friday, April 23, 2010

Glamourpuss Burlesque!!

If you're in the Toronto area tonight, head down to Goodhandy's on Church for Burlesque's Most Wanted. Julie at Glamourpuss Burlesque called me in at the last minute to do some live drawing at this event. Should be fun.

It'll be weird for me, as I almost exclusively draw digitally, and I haven't done life/figure drawing in years! But I'll do my best!

See you there...or not!


Does this face look weird?

A client of mine says this face is "weird" and I must "fix" it. I have no idea what that means...

And I forgot to post ALL my links.

I write a comic called The 3 Second Rule, which is illustrated by my buddy Jason Loo. It's a buddy action comedy, starring hitmen!!! Win, win, and win!

Also, my portfolio site.

That is all!!!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

look at me! I blog.

Allright, let's try this again.

This is my broken record. I try to blog, then I fail, then I try again. Try, try again. Fail. Try again. My mantra.

So, we are now entering the aforementioned try try again phase of the cycle, and I would love some company on this sinking ship of a blog, so come along for the ride.

I realize it's been a minute since I've updated, so I'm going to introduce myself and do the whole this is me schpiel. First. I kinda look like this:

Picture 016.jpg

My name is Arthur Dela Cruz. I'm from Toronto (read:Mississauga, 15 mins out of T.O.). I am a freelance artist slash writer. I've quote/unquote made a name for myself in the indie comic scene with a book called KISSING CHAOS. It's a moderate success, with multiple printings, foriegn editions and award nominations. (patting self on back) KC has a rarely updated, but soon to be revived website, and is currently taking a break from the print format to be a retardedly weird webcomic.

I've spent the better part of a decade freelancing and providing art and writing for film/tv/magazines and comics. I'm currently developing many different projects, and have a few comics and even a film in the works.

I also occasionally rewrite Japanese and Korean comics for the English speaking market.

More info on all of these things will be revealed soon, but I do have to remain hush hush on almost everything I work on due to non disclosure agreements and copyright blah blah blah.

What I can tell you, is that my webcomic will begin updating weekly in MAY, and I'll be at TCAF with a zine with a bunch of writing and art for sale. More info soon

What else, um, I write and play multiple insturment and hope to pen the perfect pop song one of these days.

In the meantime, here is a bunch snippets of art:

Okay. That's all for now. I'll be back. soonish.

so, my websites:

http://kissingchaos.com http://tx.kissingchaos.com http://mydestroyer.com

and follow me on twitter: http://twitter.com/arthurdelacruz


Wednesday, April 07, 2010


Okay, so, sooner later I'll be back to blogging and drawing and writing and etc. Ducks are getting aligned, eggs are being collected into baskets. So, stay tuned. Comics, and art and photos and what not, will eventually find their rightful home on this here blog.

In the meantime, check out my buddy Kayla Marie Hillier's brand spanking new webcomic: GALAVANT!!!