Friday, November 06, 2009

nano word count. and etc such as trip to Italy. also, Meg and Dia.

So, my Nanowrimo word count is now 12 516. Yes, I went on a writing tear. Tere? Anyway, it's somewhat disconcerting, as the stuff I'm writing is pretty much evolving into an autobiographical work. This was not my intent, even though I base most of my work on some sort of true experience, even if it's just an emotion, or trying to approximate an actual event in my life via fiction.

Needless to say, this first draft will most likely remain in the vault, and only after subsequent editing sessions will the story be ready for public consumption.

In other news, I'm failing hard at keeping deadlines. There's a commission that has been at about 80% for months, that I've yet to finish. And another art piece for the 69 Love Songs project that should've been finsihed this week. I'll hammer these down once I return from Italy in a week or so.

Yeah, I'm heading to Rome, Italy for a weeklong working trip. I don't plan on sleeping. I'll be writing a screenplay and various other projects 24/7. It'll be amazing.

I'll post word counts and commentary while I'm away, as I've been promised that my hotel room has wi-fi.

I'll be in touch.

I think this song is super cute:


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Nanowrimo word count.

So, at my buddy Kayla's behest, I'm only going to count words that I wrote this month, for my Nanowrimo novel word count.

I didn't write squat on Nov. 1st, so during the past 3 days, I've written a totaly of 5217 words. I need to double up today to get back on track. I still plan on using the work I did in prior to November in the 1st draft, but for the sake of the rules of Nanowrimo, I'll just be word counting stuff I've done this month.

Also, I'm preparing for my trip to Italy next week. It's a working trip, and I plan to write many, many words and draw some pictures too! I'm accepting any travel tips, and suggestions for cool stuff I should check out in Rome!


Tuesday, November 03, 2009

haiku for Florence and the Machine, and nano word count update.

Florence and the Machine was great last night. Amazing, good stuff. I took many a photo and a couple of vids. Someday, I plan to upload all my concert pics and vids. Someday. It'll happen.

Here's a little pic, and a haiku for Florence.


how wondrous a song/the soul ascends to heaven/she dances, she sings

Also, it's nanowrimo time. And I've done two consecutive days of 1666+words on my nano novel. In a moment of preemptiveness, I actually began working on this book in september, knowing full well with my other writing and drawing commitments, I would not in a million years have enough time to bust out 50 000 words one lone month. So, counting the the stuff I wrote from sept-oct, I have around 13 000+ words for my nano novel.

I'll keep you posted.


Monday, November 02, 2009

a haiku

Oh man, so I totally failed at updating my blog daily last week.

I'm still working on, and finishing up my piece for and the 69 Love Songs Project. More on that, and some artwork to be posted soon!

Also, it was Halloween weekend, and I dressed as a member of Team Zissou, from The Life Aquatic. There may be pics of that uploaded too.

But yeah, allow me to attempt once again to update my blog every day this week. The following week my be spotty, as I'll be travelling to Italy, and may not have access to the web.

So, to espress my sadness in my failure to update, here is a haiku:

so oft neglected / tho' one's life endeavors on! / blog lying in wait

Ya. I just did that.

Oh, and seeing Florence and the Machine tonight!!!