Wednesday, October 31, 2007

can you say, whuh...?

Originally published at You can comment there.

Thursdays mean new KISSING CHAOS on

This weeks strip is slightly oversized, and is the tenth episode of the first part of the story to be put online. Stress "to be put online". If you're familiar at all with Kissing Chaos, you'll know that the story rarely plays out in chronological order. In fact, none of the KC print releases have depicted any of the events in the proper succession which they occur in reality. And 'TIL I DIE will be no exception to this rule of sorts. There is a big hint on where THE PARTY, the first scene of this web comic, is set in the chronology of 'TIL I DIE. It's kind of obvious, really.

Anyway, we strive on. As I've mentioned before, this party scene is mostly a set up for the characters who'll be making appearances in this comic, and the actual story will begin next week. So, c'mon back, y'all!


my love is a life taker....

Originally published at You can comment there.

Here is a little randomness:



Thursday, October 25, 2007

new comic

Originally published at You can comment there.

Another ep. or strip of KISSINGCHAOS: 'TIL I DIE is online at There remains one more introduction strip which will appear online next week, and then the actual story will begin. As you might've guessed from previous posts, I'm quite anxious to get this show on the road. It's truly been a long time since there has been any new KC out, and the story I have planned is kind of ambitious, given the amount of experience I have as a writer.

In terms of art I think I'm nearing a state of satisfactoriness with my chosen style for this project. The random zip-a-tone effect notwithstanding, I'm going for a simple, sparse contour art concept, devoid of many spot blacks and inking flair. This approach is heavily inspired by Nananan Kiriko. She's a mangaka I have deep adoration for, even though I can't read a word from her books. I have seen a movie adaptation of one of her works, but for the most part I just drool over her art parts. Her work is very simple, deadline, and poetic.

The comics stenography even that happened last monday was all kinds of awesome. I'll post my art from that show here, along with some pics.



Wednesday, October 24, 2007

when desperate for sushi...

Originally published at You can comment there. not eat this:

I repeat. Do NOT eat this.


Thursday, October 18, 2007

more of the silent film that is Angela

Originally published at You can comment there.

Yeah, so far she's staying quiet.

Click that pic for a higher res version of this weeks comic strip available now at! I'm having much fun with the toning style, which I find much more satisfactory than using grey tones and what not. Part of me wants to get the ball rolling faster, and dig into the story that I've plotted. I now see how deep of a hole I've dug myself into by attempting to do this comic as a "strip", and not a traditional narrative. If this was updated daily, it probably would be paced fairly well, moving along at an even clip. However, a once a week update makes this comic feel mad slow, which was my fear all along.

I'm not sure what to do about this predicament, but I'll figure it out.

A couple of things coming up, if you're in the Toronto Area. Sunday, October 21, there is a Transmission X meet and greet/art show launch, at Insomnia, in the Annex. The whole TX crew has some art on the walls of Insomnia, and we will be chilling there from 7:30pm to 2:00am(!). So if you want to hang with us, come on by.

And on monday, I'm taking part in a art/literature experiment. Trampoline Hall hosts a series of talks/lectures, and this monday at the Old Fort York, (again in Toronto), they are having a number of local comic artists act as stenographers, and record the event. I'm not exactly sure what the hell is going to happen, or even how I'm going to stenographize via comic art... but we'll see.

Oh, yes. This weeks comic is brought to you by the new STARS cd, and the best of Guns N Roses.



Wednesday, October 17, 2007

little boxes made of ticky tacky..

Originally published at You can comment there.

Oh, Nancy Botwin... who doesn't love her? I know I do. Or more accurately, I love Weeds. The show. Though I am not adverse to the herb, either.


Monday, October 15, 2007

me vs. america

Originally published at You can comment there.

Yeah, cuz I am hip hop. Yup.

This show is on BET every thursday, and I really dig it. It's one of those town hall type of forums, where they have "experts" debate all the controversies that seem to come part and parcel with the hip hop of the last decade or two. They rarely give enough time for anyone to actually come to any truly intelligent resolution or even a consensus on the issues, but it's hilarious to see university professors, reverends, video "ho's", and rappers like Nelly and TI butt heads.

Also, I really dig Californication. I think that show is awesome.

Anyway, here are some work updates:

1) KC continues to be updated each week on Transmission-x. It's brand new. It's FREE!

2) I'm developing a young adult oriented comic for OWL magazine. Canadians should know that OWL is a magazine for Tweens. It's fun. Obvioulsy a huge departure from Kissing Chaos, but fun, and a pay check! (which I need! LOL)

3)Developing a few other comic pitches, which may or may not have some interest from hollywood suit types. That's all I can say about these projects right now. But you'll all know as soon as I do!

4)Ever so slowly working on a comic called Wiseboys with my buddy Rob. I'll post pages once we get some done!



Thursday, October 11, 2007

pushing bionics til i die

Originally published at You can comment there.

Check out this weeks KC:'TIL I DIE! More Angela! Or click on the image for a higher res version!

I was really debating about the direction I would take with 'Til I Die, re: Angela. I was really wondering if I should have her actually speak out loud, something she has yet to do in the entire series. After doing the past two weeks of strips, I'm not entertaining the idea of having her entirely silent. Yep, not even a monologue. We'll see. This could be problematic, as the story I've plotted out requires her monologue, and or speaking. It could come down to the very minute that I draw the strips that determines the outcome.

I'm really enjoying making KC again. It feels like home. Like I'm writing in a diary, or spilling my guts. Like I'm in a confessional. A comic book confessional. heh.

In Ontario/Canada, where I reside, we had an election this week. I am usually quite, um, shall we say discontent with the current political climate, and the system of control we have in place, and I usually spoil my ballot, or vote strategically so the worse of two evils doesn't make it into power. I do think voting is important, even if you're apathetic, or hate the people running. But whatever.This past voting, the province of Ontario had a glorious opportunity to choose an alternate method of choosing the people/parties in power. I was excited about this change, as it would make the system more democratic, and people would actually have a voice and be represented in the government.

Well, the people have spoken, and they rejected the proposed alternate method of election. Great. Nothing is changed. I'm actually surprised, but really, the blame lies in those who were tasked with educating the public about the proposed change. I didn't really understand the issue till a friend of mine explained it to me a week before the vote. I can only assume people who have no friends into politics would have no idea what the whole thing is about. So, I guess I'm not surprised. Just disappointed.

I digress. Working on this weeks comic, I was accompanied by CDs by A FINE FRENZY, and the ACROSS THE UNIVERSE soundtrack.

PUSHING DAISIES is the best new show on TV, IMHO. And I really want to like the BIONIC WOMAN, but the shittiness of the show is making that quite difficult.


Monday, October 08, 2007

hmmm, canadian turkey...

Originally published at You can comment there.

Yes, it's Thanksgiving here in Canada. Columbus day in the US I believe. And for the rest of the world, it's just a good day, I hope. Why we CDNs celebrate Thanksgiving a full month earlier than our neighbours to the south, only wikipedia can tell us. Maybe they'll explain why we spell neighbor, "neighbour" as well.

Anyway, I'm pretty much stuffed from a big T-giving day meal last night, and just taking it easy today. Working on a new story not related to KC, but I'll have more on that later.

As much as I would hate perpetrate hipster cliche's, my love of all things Wes Anderson cannot be denied. The prospect of a new film from this guy jazzes me, and with Jason Schwartzman co-writing The Darjeeling Limited, I couldn't wait to see this film. Which is what I did a couple of nights ago.

I loved it. Some say a return to form for Anderson, but I say all he's done is good. I especially loved the Life Aquatic, and word is Bottle Rocket is getting the Criterion treatment, which is awesomes!!

have a good one!


Thursday, October 04, 2007


Originally published at You can comment there.

It's thursday, and you know what that means! A new KC comic up on!

This week I finally got some satisfactory results in my zip-a-tone effect vs low resolution dilemma. Check it out on the latest KC: 'TIL I DIE strip. I'm finding it increasingly difficult to tell a story. I'm trying to straddle the line between gag of the week, newspaper strip style weekly episodes, and having an actual continuity and narrative. This weeks strip begins a four week focus on Angela, the last character that is getting an "introduction" strip. Once Angela's intro is done, then I plan to begin the 'TIL I DIE story proper. Next week I'll post breakdowns of all of Angela's upcoming strips.


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Til I die commentary yet again

Originally published at You can comment there.

Again, the low resolution of the internet seems to be the bane of my existence, at least in for KC: 'Til I Die.

Last weeks comic was heavy on the little zip a tone effects. Okay, not really, but the effect was there. I use it, as always as a subtle, nuanced texture in my "art", and the low rez version that appears on transmission-x, while good for quick and easy internet viewing, it wasn't so kind to my art. So click the thumb for a much larger version of last weeks TX comic!
