Originally published at You can comment there.
I've been working on various freelance writing gigs, as I'm really trying to switch gears from being a writer slash artist, to more of just a writer. My goal is to have Kissing Chaos the only thing I have to draw, as doing freelance art really takes a lot out of me.
So in my quest to write more, I've recently completed a comic for Motorola. Corporate gigs pay mad cash compared to comics! ;). Due to the nature and tone needed for the project, I really changed up my style and wrote in a different voice. This comic was a super hero story in the style of the "animated series" style of comics/animation from DC. And I think for the most part I was successful in emulating that style of writing.
The funnny thing was the first time I saw the final artwork, which was a few weeks after I had finished writing the script, I barely recognized the writing. I totally thought the editors pulled rank and made changed to my script, as it didn't sound or feel like something I would write. So, I checked back on my scripts and realized they didn't change one word. I guess I was able to change my "voice" that much that I barely recognized my own work!
Yeah, I'm that good.
ps-after a bit of a haitus (having twin sons takes a lot out of you!) I'm planning to get back into the swing of things concerning KISSING CHAOS til i die. Oct 30th looks like the day I'll get the ball rolling again. Any more cliche catch phrases I should throw in...?