They say there's nothing new under the sun. I guess, as someone who pretty much does creative things for a living, I think I can appreciate that saying. I've read an essay about writing, which stated "all fiction is derivative". The author continued on to say a good writer will use this to his advantage, making the most of reader’s expectations, and satisfying them in unexpected ways.
That being said, I wanted to drop my two cents on some movies I've seen recently.
While retelling old stories isn't all that bad, some people do it better than others. The movies
CRASH (not the Cronenberg one), HAVOC and
HOOLIGANS have very little in common, in terms of subject matter. One is about race relations, the other about a gang
(okay, that's sort of race relations), and the other about soccer fans in the UK. When I saw these flicks, I immediately drew comparisons, because I felt they were all had stories/themes that I've seen a million times in other movies, books and what not. Only they each handled the themes with varying degrees of success.
CRASH for example, essentially showed how race still plays role in how people think about, and interact with one another. And sure, my opinion is totally subjective, but I can't help but think that CRASH was a totally elementary movie. Sure, everyone comes from different walks of life and will come at this flick from another perspective, but I felt the message
(for lack of a better term), the point the movie was trying to get across was so basic, and had been dealt with so many times before. I felt it was just stating the obvious, and the situations and characters and their reactions were a little too convenient, serving the "message", rather than serving the story.
HAVOC fared a little better. This flick too, dealt with race, but focused on some rich white kids in So Cal, who flirt with danger and gangs. The kids thought they were more hip hop than dudes living it in the Bronx. Yes, the every character was a stereotype, the acting and dialogue was nothing to write home about, and the plot wasn't ground breaking. But despite the three strikes, I felt there was a subtext to the film. An underlying theme about the need for family, which is a big part of the gang culture. Even though they just scratched the surface of this theme, its presence was felt throughout the movie, giving it more depth than a movie like CRASH.
Finally, I saw HOOLIGANS a few weeks ago. This movie also dealt heavily with the theme of family, and how it relates to gangs, and the mentality behind those in a gang. Only, instead of the (
ahem) traditional subject matter of racial animosity and youth gangs, HOOLIGANS applied the theme to die hard soccer fans in the UK. Finally, a seemingly fresh take on a story we've seen told over and over since BOYZ IN THE HOOD. Maybe I haven't seen enough movies about soccer, I mean,
football, that this was new to me, but regardless, I felt the story and them went hand in hand, without being derivative of movies with similar themes, or hitting us over the head with a message.
All in all, I think HOOLIGANS is definitely worth watching. (Not sure if it's out in theatres or on DVD yet. I got it through bittorrent, but I'll totally buy the DVD when it comes out. Seriously! ;) ) HAVOC might be worth watching, it was adequate. As for CRASH, I'd have to pass.