Thursday, August 30, 2007

Part 1.1

Originally published at You can comment there.

This week in KC: 'Til I Die, I begin part one. For the first few episodes of part one, I'll be do character introduction, and this week I introduced an old face from KC Vol. 2, Eric. A few other characters make an appearance, we'll see if anyone can recognize them. ;) It was a bit of work trying to update how I drew the characters, since I don't draw like I used to, but hopefully they'll have some resemblance to their former selves.

I did try to revert to some old art effects I used in KC Vol. 2, mainly in terms of line quality, where I tried to have a (what I consider cool) zip tone effect. Unfortunately, when I shrunk the page for the Transmission-X site, alot of the finer details got blurred to hell. I'll try to rectify that for next weeks strip, or maybe I'll try a totally different technique.


Here are the breakdowns for this weeks strip. I ended up using more panels to tell the story. Much more than are normally used in a sunday comics type of strip, so I may consciously try to limit myself to 6 or so panels next week...


Thursday, August 23, 2007

end of prologue

Originally published at You can comment there.

I've been inspired by Paul Pope as of late, and his whole "comics destroyer" approach to comics. The concept that comics must change if it is to survive. The idea that one must destroy comics in order to save them.

One of the things I wanted to experiment with the opening of TIL I DIE, was really to re-examine comics storytelling, and use a different form of art within the panel to panel rules that make up comics. I played with type, design and collage, all in the hopes to create a different experience withing the parameters of comics.

I'm pretty much done with that experiment, and next week I'll get the story going full steam with a more traditional style of art. But that doesn't mean the experiments will end. Far from it.

I was trying to explain my whole "comics with no art, just type" concept to a friend of mine, probably failing miserably. She replied saying "comics without pictures, just words. We already have those. They are called books."

I laughed.

Here are the initial breakdowns of the KC: TIL I DIE prologue.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

fan expo in toronto this weekend

Hey all, this weekend Toronto is playing host to the biggest pop culture event in Canada. It's called FanExpo 2007. I'll be there on Friday for a panel on Transmission-X. And I'll have a table in the professional artists section on saturday. One Day only!

I hope to have new shirts, and prints on sale. So come on by and say hi!


Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Originally published at You can comment there.

A new Kissing Chaos: 'Til I Die strip is online! I skipped sunday's post, as I was busy at the Toronto Comics Art Festival, which was pretty cool. It's always been a good gathering of artists and zinesters, and this year was no exception. Hung with Becky and Vanessa for a spell. Saw my friends Mal, Little Brown bat and Ragni put on a swell show at Sneaky Dees in Toronto. Awesome. Comics and music must always be enjoyed in tandem.

At the show I sold and signed many books, selling out of my stock, (to the point that I'm worried I won't have anything to sell at this coming weekends FanExpo in Toronto). One fan even brought out a first printing of Kissing Chaos Vol. 1, and asked me to sign it. The crazy thing, is that as I began to sign my name, I noticed that I had already signed it four years ago! You had to be there, cuz it was funny. Seriously.

Anyway. TCAF is an awesome event, and I wish it happened every year.

Again, I must urge you all to check out 'TIL I DIE. The somewhat abstract Prologue will continue updating every day til wednesday, and then thursday will see the first update of the regular story. I can't wait!

Read and comment. Let me know what you think!



Friday, August 17, 2007

more til I die commentary and TCAF

Originally published at You can comment there.

So, my goal is as I work on this new KC:'Til I Die online comic, that I'll be able to post a running commentary as to what I'm going through.

The second page, which you all got a sneak preview of last week is now online officially. The "official" page is actually different than what I showed yesterday! I know, right? I'm a tweaker (ahem) when it comes to art. I kinda felt lie re working the entire 6 pages of the TID story, so, that's kinda what I'm working on.

Basically, I had a vision for the opening six page rant, and when it all was said and done, I was satisfied with what I created. But my mind goes a mile a minute, and I had some newer brainstorms of a more decisive art style. And I need to change the existing pages to follow suit.

Originally I wanted the first 6 pages to be entirely text based. Without any drawing. Then I decided this may alienate many readers, and felt it may be too much of a leap. While text still plays a heavy role, the second wave of pages had characters and I wasexperimenting with different tones and effects. You can see that on the first page. We'll, after sitting on those pages for a few days, I decided to change things again! The new pages will still have text, fewer characters, and more photo backgrounds. I wanted it to be heavy on design.

So here is the new page two.

OH yeah. It's the Toronto Comic Arts Festival this weekend, in, ummm, toronto. It's a huuuge comic even with the likes of James Jean, Paul Pope, Joe Matt, Becky Cloonan and of course me and my Transmission-x cronies. It's free and takes place saturday and sunday at the Old Victoria building in the University of Toronto campus, right downtown. Did I say it's FREE!?


Thursday, August 16, 2007

'Til I die

Originally published at You can comment there.

Hey. My absence which has been the order of the day over the summer is now over! Yes. I'm back from where ever I was, and I bring some new KC with me.

The strips will be appearing on Transmission-X, a fun little site featuring a bunch of local Toronto comics talent. Check out their stuff! It's not bad. We each get our own day of the week upon which we update our stories, and mine is Thursday. So rest assured that from now until the unforeseeable future, there will be new KC strips every week.

Yeah, you heard me. STRIPS.

Over the past few years I've grown weary of the regular comics format. I've done web comics in the past, but they've read just like print comics, just online. Every KC story that has been released has come out in a slightly different format than the previous chapter, so I figure why buck that trend and put out another mini series, one shot, mini comic or graphic novel?

I've decided to tackle the daily (ahem... weekly) comic strip format. I think the challenge of telling a compelling narrative within the contraints of a short, short strip commonly used as a momentary diversion will be a great one, but a challenge I'm willing to take on.

The first chapter of KISSING CHAOS: 'TIL I DIE is a 6 page preamble. This will begin today, August 16th, and be updated with new "strip" every day, until it's complete on August 21st. Then, I will begin regular thursday updates, beginning with the PROLOGUE of KC:TID.

I really have no idea how this little project will turn out, but if you've read any of the first two KC books, you'll be very interested in what will be going down in 'TIL I DIE.

Here are some sneak previews of the first two strips

one/ two