Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.
Yes. Burn it into your brain. New KC comic online every Thursday. Hopefully I won't fuck it up.
Shoot 'em Up was weird. I think I liked it, though at this point I'm sure it'll require multiple viewings. Giamatti
(sp?) was incredible as usual. I usually dig his work, even that fairytale style movie by Shamalamadingdong. Yes, I'm being rude. It was Lady in the Water. Shyamalan
(sp?) Clearly I'm too tired to spell check. My apologies to M. Night. But I do dig his movies. Was Giamatti
(sp?) even in that one?
I put up a new comic yesterday, which was Thursday. Today is friday. It went through multiple stages of breakdowns. At first it was going to take place at a bus stop, with Kim bagging on some hipster girls. Then I wrote all these character intros to happen at a party, so that changed the scene. The next version of the strip was broken down and roughed, but I wasn't feeling it. Then I got this cool idea of doing a tableau with my characters, and just panning the camera across a still scene, with the dialogue running overtop.
Time was not on my side, and this effect was poorly constructed. I'll keep trying for the remainder of the character intros. I was inspired to do a tableau by a scene in the new Halloween flick, where there something that looks like a tableau, but it could very well have been a still frame. But I loved it. Also, I find it could be interesting to play with the passage of time, and viewing one moment from multiple angles, essentially dissecting it via visuals and dialogue. That is sort of what I've been doing with KC all along, so attempting this directly with the art will be interesting. This is also partly inspired by either Cubism, or Dada, I'm not sure. More on that later...
I saw Evil Dead: The Musical last weekend. It was incredible. Funny. Great songs, and as a true tip of the hat to the cast, I actually suspended any comparison with this Ash, to that of Bruce Campbell. He was that good. I caught the very last performance of this engagement, but if it ever runs in Toronto again, or in any other city, I highly recommend checking it out!