Originally published at www.mydestroyer.com. You can comment there.
So, yeah. I'm utterly failing blog class. My apologies for absences as of late, I will yet again try to rectify this with frequent updates, which will hopefully include more art, followed by the obligatory disappearance of the face of the earth in a few month. This disappearance, in turn, will be followed by a subsequent (do I need "subsequent", if I've already typed "in turn"?) return to form, and the cycle continues like a perpetual motion machine, minus the discovery of a renewable energy source.
The past few months have been a whirlwind. Without getting into specifics, allow me to use one paragraph to sum it all up.
Amid all the work beeswax and what not, life has been getting hectic, and shows no signs of slowing. Yes, work has unexpectedly picked up, throwing various freelance work in and out of loop. And even with the jobs picking up, I'm still in a position financially where I must seek out crazy amounts of work just to float the show. I spent the better part of last month moving to a new apartment, which also means moving my home office. This is a relentless, punishing task. next time, I'm just hiring people to move all my crap, which isn't a lot, and it is at the same time. I had visits from out of town family multiple times in the past few weeks, good times also peppered with good news of friends getting engaged and what not. Or course, my own good news notwithstanding, which is the new that I'm going to be the proud dad of twins in a few months, which lends even more credence to the fact that life is getting more hectic, and shows no signs of slowing.
Never the less, I strive on. I pledge to keep Kissing Chaos: 'Til I die running, even while I'm knee deep in dirty diapers and sleepless nights. How will I accomplish such a feat, you may ask? By having friends, and random artists do some guest spots on my web comic. I'll still write every word of the story, but before years end there will be a few chapters drawn by guest artists, TBD! I'm really excited to see what my buddies can do with KC.
The wrangling up of artists is still a work in progress, so I can't name names, but I will eventually...
So, yeah, that's my last few months in a nutshell.
Here's what's been keeping me sane:
1)new music from Weezer, Mates of State, NERD , Holy Fuck and many more...
2)old music from Rilo Kiley, Stars, Nickel Creek and more...
3)The movies PRIMER and SUSPENSION
4)Air conditioning during the heat wave
5) Counting down the days til June 12, the release of METAL GEAR SOLID 4!!!