Thursday, August 20, 2009

No longer Thursday's child.

Due to precipitating circumstances with work and/or life, I'm unfortunately announcing that my online comic KISSING CHAOS:'TIL I DIE, will no longer be updated every Thursday. The comic is not finished, and I WILL KEEP UPDATING it, on an irregular basis. However, I'm just so swamped that I can't keep it updated every thursday, and I don't want it advertised as such on the TransmissionX website.

So, follow me on Twitter, or read this blog, or periodically check out to find out when there are new strips up. I am still aiming to COMPLETE the remainder of KC:TID by the end of this year.

The reason for this is that I'm launching a brand new story on in January 2010. Stay tuned for more info about that very soon!



Tuesday, August 11, 2009

pitching.(being ADC#9u7897)

Je t'aime Coeur de Pirate, and Katy Perry. This video= best of both worlds!

So, I'm almost ready to pitch the story I keep talking about to a producer. I actually want his input on the concept and it's execution before I finalize any details and begin writing past the 20 pages I've written for the comic book pitch. Blah blah. so interesting.

I've decided to go forward the story, despite my last post about being on the fence about the whole issue. Nothing really pushed me to that decision, other than throwing my hands in the air and saying wtf?

I've also decided that this project will probably be my 2nd to last comic project EVER. Big decision, but one I have to make...



Sunday, August 09, 2009

crisises of creativity (Being ADC#...?)

So, the other day I was prepping what I've been touting as a pseudo autobiographical graphic novel for the different publishing entities who are interested in the story. It had been a week or so since I read the plot outline, or the first 20 pages of script that I've written, so this was my first gander at the story with fresh eyes.

My gut reaction=fear. I didn't want this published. It's a peak at who I really am, and even though it's told in a fashion that still masks the inner most workings of ADC, it still feels like I'm throwing a huge piece of myself out for public consumption. I literally told myself to scrap the story.

I'm on the fence at this moment. Part of me says I should just put it out, at the risk of surprising or hurting people that are close to me. Part of me is saying to avoid unnecessary drama.

So. yah.



Tuesday, August 04, 2009

laaa lalalalala laaaa!

The past week actually felt like summer, and the weather, she's holding up. So, August agrees with me!

In other news, my insane deadlines are still going on. Not cool. To fend them off, I'm trying the whole early to bed, early to rise thing. I woke up at 3am today, not on purpose, mind you, one of my 11 month old twins couldn't sleep.But once I got him to sleep, I did laundry, excercised and did some work, read a little and played a little PS3 and 360. Fairly productive day until about 8am, when the family woke up.

This week I'm working on a film/comic script. A new KC comic strip. A new story pitch. A commission, which is loooong over due...

I love this song Hurricane by the Hush Sound. There are no good versions by the actual band on youtube, but here is one of the better cover versions... enjoi!

